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Journal #9 How was spring break? What did you do? Trip? Work?

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Presentation on theme: "Journal #9 How was spring break? What did you do? Trip? Work?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Journal #9 How was spring break? What did you do? Trip? Work?

2 Lets see your stress level
Stress Test One: Number 1- 25 Stress Test Two Focus: Coping Skills Number 1- 14 Stress Test Three

3 What Stresses YOU out? What aspects in your life cause you stress???? Take a moment, close your eyes, and reflect.

4 What is stress? Stress is the response of the body to the demands of daily living.

5 The Good vs. Bad Not all stress is bad. Eustress- Good Stress such as roller coasters, successful competition, passing a test, meeting new people. Distress- Bad Stress includes situations that cause worry, sorrow, anger and pain.

6 Stressors STRESSORS are a source or cause of stress.
Stress can be real or imagined; anticipated or unexpected. Can you tell me an example of each?

7 Anticipated Unexpected

8 Speaking of Pop Quiz….Please clear your desks except for a Pen or Pencil.
Number 1-5 Under your Stress Tests 10 points per question 50 points total


10 Real Stress Imagined Stress

11 Stress can come in different forms
They can be as a result of life situations, environment, biological, mental, or personal behavior. Also known as Physical, Chemical, Emotional

12 Life Situations School Demands Problems with friends, bullying
Family problems and abuse Moving or changing schools Break up

13 Environmental Unsafe neighborhood Pollution
Natural Disasters (hurricane) War Environmental

14 Biological Changes in body weight Illness Injury Disability

15 Mental Poor Self esteem Personal Appearance Not fitting in

16 Social/Personal Behavior
These arise from relationships/interaction s with others. Meeting new people Being in a crowd of people Talking in public Using drugs or alcohol Taking on a busy schedule

17 Effects of Stress Emotional Effects Physical Upset or nervous feelings
Frustration and forgetfulness Difficulty paying attention Irritability and lack of motivation Change in appetite Mild depression Physical Dilated Pupils Heart rate increases Sweating Narrowing of arteries Muscle tension Increased blood flow to vital organs

18 When Stress becomes a problem
Prolonged stress can weaken the immune system, raise blood pressure, cause digestive disorders, ulcers, teeth grinding and clenching during sleep

19 Ways to manage Stress These are different for everyone, find one that works for you. Rest in a quiet place Listen to music Exercise Think positively Breathing techniques Deal with the cause Get adequate rest

20 Things to do before Stress comes
Exercise Eat nutritious, well-balanced diet Have fun! Get enough sleep Manage time effectively Pay attention to your body

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