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Teknologi Limbah (Waste Treatment) TPI 4244

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Presentation on theme: "Teknologi Limbah (Waste Treatment) TPI 4244"— Presentation transcript:

1 Teknologi Limbah (Waste Treatment) TPI 4244
(Week 1)

2 COURSE CONTRACT Come on time Silent your cell phone
Manage your tasks & assignment Actively participate, Think creatively Read, Read more and more No plagiarism

3 Laboratory practical activity 30%
Score Grading Assignment 20% Laboratory practical activity 30% Midterm Exam 25% Final Exam 25%

4 COURSE TOPICS Week Topics Lecturer 1 Introduction (Course Contract)
IRN 2 Waste parameters and characterisation 3 Introduction to wastewater treatment 4 Physical and chemical wastewater treatment 5 Biological wastewater treatment 6 Gas waste (or air pollution) treatment 7 Physical and chemical solid waste treatment Midterm Exam (UTS)

5 COURSE TOPICS Week Topics Lecturer Final Exam (UAS) 8
Biological solid waste treatment SSH 9 Activated Sludge Treatment (calculation and system design) 10 Nutrient recovery via aerobic and anaerobic treatment 11 Composting (feedstock characterisation, oxygen/air demand calculation, co-composting calculation) 12 Anaerobic digestion system (reactor design, energy estimation and calculation) 13 Waste valorisation for bioenergy and high value products 14 Techno-economic analysis for waste treatment (carbon, energy and nutrient footprint, waste treatment cost) Final Exam (UAS)

6 REFERENCES Cheremisinoff, N. P. (2002). Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies. Boston: Butterworth–Heinemann Cheremisinoff, N. P. (2002). Handbook of Air Pollution Prevention and Control. Boston: Butterworth–Heinemann Liu, D.H.F & Liptak, B.G. (1999). Environmental Engineers’ Handbook.2nd Edition. London: Lewis Publisher. Van Loosdrecht, M.CM., Nielsen, P.H., Lopez-Vazquez, C.M. and Brdjanovic, D. (2016). Experimental Methods in Wastewater treatment. London: IWA Publishing Wang, L.K., Pereira, N. C. & Hung, Y.T. (2009). Handbook of Environmental Engineering. Biological Treatment Porcesses. Volume 8. New York: Humana Press Wang, L.K., Pereira, N. C. & Hung, Y.T. (2009). Advanced Air and Noise Pollution Control. New Jersey: Humana Press Wang, L.K., Hung, Y.T., Lo, H.H. & Yapijakis, C. (2004). Handbook of Industrial and Hazardous Wastes Treatment. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc. Wang, L.K., Hung, Y.T., Lo, H.H. & Yapijakis, C. (2006). Waste Treatment in the Process Industries. New York: CRC Taylor & Francis Woodard, F. (2001). Industrial Waste Treatment Handbook. Boston: Butterworth– Heinemann

7 Introduction to waste treatment
WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THESE QUESTIONS: What are waste? What are the source of waste? Why waste treatment is critical? What are the link between waste, waste treatment and environment? Who responsible for waste treatment? What are options prior waste treatment?

8 What do you think and why?
What are waste? WASTE is UNUSED and DISPOSED PRODUCTS (i.e. trash, rubish, garbage, etc.) OR WASTE is POTENTIAL RESOURCES What do you think and why?

9 What are waste? Previously (Long time ago) But TODAY
Waste (also known as rubbish, trash, refuse, garbage, junk, litter, and ort) is unwanted or useless materials. But TODAY WASTE IS EQUAL WITH ECONOMIC or Why do you think that NOW there is a different perseption on valuing waste?

10 What are the source waste?
Households Commerce and Industry

11 What are the source waste?
Agriculture (farming) Forestry Transportation Demolition etc

12 Why waste treatment is critical?
After industrial revolution, waste becomes major concern to be resolved Too much untreated waste disposed directly to environment  harmful effect to human and environment Too many industries have no proper waste treatment mean DANGEROUS  HIGHLY TOXIC or HIGHLY ORGANIC WASTE goes to the environment Waste treatment is critically needed to reduce waste being disposed to the environment or being exposed to human

13 What are the link between waste, waste treatment and environment?
High amount of waste, if untreated, is harmfull to the environment Waste treatment is needed to reduce the amount of waste or to ensure that waste are safe for disposal to environment With appropriate and proper waste treatment, pollution to the environment can be avoided Safe and healthy environment can be achieved for better living

14 Who responsible for waste treatment?
Individual Community Farmers Industries Governments Why those representative are responsible??? What do you think?

15 What are options prior waste treatment?
Waste treatment hierarchy

16 WASTE TECHNOLOGY Mainly divided into several types: Pre-treatment
Physical Chemical Biological Thermal Combination waste treatment (i.e. thermo-chemical, etc.)

17 WASTE TECHNOLOGY Or in wastewater treatment can also be classified as:
Pre-liminary treatment Primary treatment Secondary treatment Tertiary treatment

18 Waste treatment technology selection
Selection of technology for waste treatment is critical It represent the effectivity and efficiency of the process Technology can be selected depend on the characteristic of the treated waste (i.e. organic waste vs toxic waste, or vs anorganic waste Thus, characterisation of waste are crucial

19 Thank you

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