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Project Scope Management

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1 Project Scope Management
Sections of this presentation were shamelessly adapted by Ray Wendell from a PowerPoint presentation originally adapted from A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge 4th Edition, Project Management Institute Inc., © PMI, the University of Colorado, The Board of Regents, Faculty, Staff and students, Intrado, Inc, the West Corporation, and everyone else involved are not responsible for its content


3 Project Scope Management
What is “Scope Management”? Defining the desired end result and work to be undertaken Estimating and budgeting based on defined scope On-going monitoring of work in process Controlled adjustment to work, time, and/or cost

4 Scope Management Key Points
Defining project scope is a critical first step Scope needs to be clearly understood, documented, and agreed to by “governance” What’s “out” is just as important as what’s “in” Scope change needs to be tightly controlled

5 Why Do We Manage Scope? Measure of most project success is 90% time and budget, 10% functionality delivered Scope is the key driver to time and cost Consider the “Time Box” COST TIME SCOPE Quality

6 How Do We Manage Scope? Five processes Collect Requirements
Define Scope Create WBS Verify Scope Control Scope Collect Requirements Define Scope Create WBS Verify Control

7 Collect Requirements Documented With increasing level of detail
Considered as “candidates” for the project Aligned with the project goals I’ll go find out what the customer wants; The rest of you, start coding! Collect Requirements Define Scope Create WBS Verify Control

8 Define Scope Documented subset of all desired requirements
Considers desired outcomes, time, and budget The “Constitution” against which subsequent work is measured Usually a negotiated outcome Collect Requirements Define Scope Create WBS Verify Control

9 Project Scope Statement
Product scope description Product acceptance criteria (definition of success) Project deliverables Project exclusions Project constraints Project assumptions Remember the difference between product and project?

10 Create WBS Guard against “scope creep” in the details
Make sure the sum of the parts isn’t greater than the whole Steps, not sequences Collect Requirements Define Scope Create WBS Verify Control

11 Verify Scope Positive confirmation from stakeholder or governance team
Review with developers or deliverable owners Document and distribute “Plan of Record” Collect Requirements Define Scope Create WBS Verify Control

12 Control Scope Verify decision makers
Establish “Change Control” mechanism Frequent status reviews Enforce the rule – change is a conscious decision Strive for shorter deliverable intervals Collect Requirements Define Scope Create WBS Verify Control

13 Conclusion Entropy, human nature, and time are working against you
Fear not! Organization, structure, and communication are on your side. You can deliver quality projects on time, and under budget

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