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Literature elements on iPads

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1 Literature elements on iPads
This app is designed for an author to write notes on a novel but your learning group will use it to take notes on the NOVELLA, Song of the Trees. Follow the directions below to complete the activity. Tap the Novel Idea app to open. Tap on idea selection located at the bottom and tap on group to list the group members. Each group member will then select task A, B, C, or D and place the letter after his or her name. Each member is responsible for detailing different information about the reading selection. Person A will give the different conflicts and explain if they or internal or external conflicts using the scene selection. After he or she is finished, you must tap the plus symbol in the right hand corner and attach the scenes to An Idea. Person B will give the characters’ names and explain if they are static or dynamic characters and then attach this to An Idea. Person C explain the setting using the location button. How does the setting help the selection? Attach to the group’s An Idea. Person D will select the most important word and the theme for this selection and place this information with below the list of group members names. Using accountable talk, students will answer the following question including textual evidence from the selection: Does the resolution of the conflict seem realistic, based on the characters of Mr. Andersen and David Logan? Justify your answer with evidence from the selection. The group will then share their findings with the class and teacher. This task uses: Common Core/NG Standard(s): CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.7.1 Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.7.3 Analyze how particular elements of a story or drama interact (e.g., how setting shapes the characters or plot). TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/ School: SJ Welsh Grade Level/Subject: 7th ELA Task Card Level: L3 Special Directions/Considerations: n/a Activity Evaluation: see attached rubric Prerequisites for students: understand literary definitions Text being used (from the Middle School ELA Guidebook): 7th Grade Holt

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