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Big Ideas Proposed powerpoint Project Process:

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Presentation on theme: "Big Ideas Proposed powerpoint Project Process:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Big Ideas Proposed powerpoint Project Process:
--Provide students with animated images they can assemble.  Under no circumstances should students find animations themselves. --Give them a script to follow, standards to cover, explain, illustrate --Let students choose images. --Let students choose sequence --Allow students the chance to present to the class. Jerry Perttula

2 Earth Science Earth was formed 4.6 billion years ago From an exploded
Star that created the Elements of the periodic table During Thermonuclear Hydrogen Fusion 92 elements are “natural”, from Hydrogen To Uranium Earth Science


4 Nebular Hypothesis (formation Of Solar System) as Hydrogen Gas Compresses
increasing gravity Cloud of Rotating Hydrogen Gas Solar System Increasing Solar density produces increasing Gravity Per unit of volume

5 The terrestrial planets
are small and rocky: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars

6 The “Gas” planets Are Saturn, Jupiter, and Uranus The “Gas Planets” are mostly composed of Hydrogen, Ammonia and Methane gas

7 Ultraviolet light from the sun drives photosynthesis

8 90% of the matter in the universe
is considered “DARK Matter”

9 The 1952 Miller Urey Experiment suggested that the
chemicals necessary for life may have originated on Earth

10 Miller Urey Experiment (1952)
Hydrogen Sulfide, methane ammonia water, sulfur dioxide

11 99% of all Biological Mutations are lethal

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