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Student Lifecycle Project 14th May 2008

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1 Student Lifecycle Project 14th May 2008

2 Student Lifecycle Project
Project aims and objectives Project scope and progress to date Overview of the procurement process Questions and discussion

3 Be more successful in recruiting / retaining students
Sample project aims Be more successful in recruiting / retaining students Management information that supports our business Capture all relevant information in a consistent way and on a single University system Recruitment and admissions Student centric services – service delivery culture Flexible course management Responsive & efficient admin

4 I02 – Automation of recruitment process
Sample project aims I02 – Automation of recruitment process I05 – All documents held electronically I06 – Local data systems no longer required I07 – Client relationship management I09 – Single registration / enrolment event I10 – Flexible programme models I14 – All assessment data on one system I19 – Honours: consistency / transparency I20 – Corporate record of PgR progress I28 – Attendance monitoring I31 – Corporate timetabling / space management I36 – E-Payment

5 Academic staff have considerable administrative burden
Key issues Processes designed by and for the staff providing the service rather than from the customer perspective Current processes often carried out differently from department to department Academic staff have considerable administrative burden Many duplicate or shadow IT systems in Faculties and departments Roles and responsibilities often not clearly defined

6 2004 2005 2006 The need to change Harvard 1 MIT 3 2 4 Oxford 5
Cambridge 6 Imperial 14 13 9 Manchester 43 35 40 Edinburgh 48 30 33 St Andrews 70 136 109 Warwick 80 77 73 Glasgow 112 101 81 Dundee 168 ? Aberdeen 194 267 195 6

7 Financial out turn

8 Income Glasgow V Strathclyde

9 Identity Mgt. & Access Control Collaborations & Data Exchange
Project Scope Applications And Admissions Graduation and Awards Alumni Registration Progression Assessment Marketing & Recruitment Management Curriculum Production of MI & Reports Student Finances of Research Students Employability & Careers Enquiry Course & Programme Identity Mgt. & Access Control Collaborations & Data Exchange 9

10 Sample functional improvements
Web-based application and enrolment Single on-line registration event On line payment Client relationship management Portal access to all learning resources Transparent assessment processes Corporate record of PGR progress All documents held electronically Local data systems no longer required All assessment data on one system Intelligent timetabling / room allocation Facility for attendance monitoring Reliable management information

11 Activities and Consultation to date
Workshops and review of output by attendees (>200) Jan 08 Faculty and US (4 groups) presentation / discussion Feb 08 VPs (Strategy, Research, L&T) Feb 08 SMG/IPSC and Student Lifecycle Board reviews Nov – Feb 08 Student consultation Feb/March 08 Faculty Management Team Presentations / Discussions Physical Sciences th Feb FIMS & Engineering st Feb FBLS th March Medicine nd April Arts th April 11

12 Outputs from workshops and consultations
Identification of the key business processes which must be supported. Comprehensive list of requirements, issues and opportunities to be addressed in a new Student Information System. Invitation to participate in dialogue 12

13 Student Lifecycle Project Update
Supplier briefing 19th March Issue ITPD (Version 1) 4th April Clarification with suppliers 7th April Ongoing Atos Origin (Oracle) on site 15th April 3 days SunGard on site 23rd April 3 days Tribal on site 28th April 3 days Project Board demonstrations 6th May Atos Origin (Oracle) on site 7th May 2.5 days SunGard on site 12th May 2.5 days Tribal on site 14th May 2.5 days Reference site visits 19th May – 6th June Formal ITPD responses received 4th June Project Board presentations 9th June 1 day each ITPD evaluation outcome notified 8th July Issue ITSFT 9th July Final Tender received 23rd July Contract negotiation and signing August Implementation ?????????? 13

14 What will a new Student Information will mean
The Student Lifecycle Project is a major change programme for the whole University. It will affect virtually all staff and students. Improve student experience - Become more student centric, designing processes which focus on the needs of prospective and current students Improve staff experience – Introduce new ways of working and streamline and integrate processes and systems Improve efficiency – Simplify and standardise processes, challenge diversity of practice eliminating duplication of tasks and records

15 Questions and discussion

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