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Hidden Surface Removal

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Presentation on theme: "Hidden Surface Removal"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hidden Surface Removal
In the projection process we project all the faces into the view plane Some of the faces should not appear in the final images It is mandatory to remove these invisible surfaces.

2 View Frustum Culling

3 Back and Front Facing

4 Front-to-Back Traversal
Order the object in scene from near to far Traverse the objects starting from the objects close to the viewer Maintain a map of the visible/hidden regions Avoid traversing hidden regions

5 Back-to-Front Traversal
Order the object in scene from far to near Traverse the objects starting from the objects far from the viewer Project the object in the order of the traversal.

6 Z-Buffer A hardware supported Hidden Surface removal approach

7 Z-Buffer

8 Depth Buffer

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