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Defining Youth Behavior

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1 Defining Youth Behavior
Calibration of staff responses

2 Addresses QAP Goal: to develop a progressive response to challenging behavior
What is Progressive Response to Problem Behavior? Tiered System Consequences matches intensity of behaviors Why? Social Discipline Window Control & Support = Adult Behavior Calibrate Adult behavior Safe, Positive, Consistent and Predictable

3 Steps to Setting Up Progressive Response to Problem Behavior
Define Behaviors Determine Staff Managed Behaviors vs Site Coordinator Managed Teach, Model and Reinforce Strategies, Consistent Process and Consequences

4 Steps to Setting Up Progressive Response to Problem Behavior
Define Behaviors Determine Staff Managed Behaviors vs Site Coordinator Managed Teach, Model and Reinforce Strategies, Consistent Process and Consequences

5 Why Define Behaviors? Think about a time when someone called you for site coordinator support… How did they describe the behavior? Example: “He is out of control” Did they call you too early? Did they call you too late? Was a lot of time spent having adult discussions when things might have continued to escalate among youth? How might things have been different if there was a clear protocol?

6 Calling Out IRRITATING DISRUPTIVE DANGEROUS Cell Phone Use Elopement
Define Behaviors Irritating and Disruptive Behaviors: behaviors that impedes or prevents activity from happening, but are generally behaviors that are not putting any youth or staff in immediate danger Dangerous Behaviors: behaviors that are leading to or are causing harm to either youth or staff IRRITATING DISRUPTIVE DANGEROUS Cell Phone Use Calling Out Elopement Do the activity with the group

7 List ONE behavior per Post-It (at least 5 post-its per person)
Group Activity: List ONE behavior per Post-It (at least 5 post-its per person) Place behavior in a category “Irritating”, “Disruptive” or “Dangerous” Take a Gallery Walk Define Behaviors Group Debrief Questions (In Groups of 3-4) What are patterns across the posters? Are there behaviors we generally agree are irritating, disruptive or dangerous? What are outliers? How might irritating behaviors become disruptive or dangerous? What might happen if we kept behaviors on multiple posters?

8 Steps to Setting Up Progressive Response to Problem Behavior
Define Behaviors Determine Staff Managed Behaviors vs Site Coordinator Managed Teach, Model and Reinforce Strategies, Consistent Process and Consequences

9 After Defining Behavior
Option 1: Executive Decision Site Coordinator determines which behaviors are line staff managed vs. site coordinator managed behaviors Consider CBO guidelines Consider the management skills of line staff: Are there skills that need to be taught in order for staff to manage behaviors? Example: PROMPT strategy Determine Staff Managed Behaviors vs Site Coordinator Managed

10 After Defining Behavior

11 After Defining Behavior
Option 2: Group Process Determine Staff Managed Behaviors vs Site Coordinator Managed Pre-populate the behaviors Individuals place dots or markers Gallery Walk Group Debrief

12 After Defining Behavior
Option 2: Group Process Determine Staff Managed Behaviors vs Site Coordinator Managed Debrief Questions: What are characteristics that are best handled by site coordinator? What are the characteristics that are better managed by staff? FInalize which behaviors will be staff managed vs site coordinator managed

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