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WP 6: Long-term strategy for observer training and support to the region

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1 WP 6: Long-term strategy for observer training and support to the region

2 WP 6: Long-term strategy for observer training and support to the region
Recent rapid expansion in PIRFO observers on vessels Big increase in debriefers to maintain quality support - EU (SPRTRAMP, PROCFish, SciFish, SciCOFish) 2011 to 2014 support - NZ and EU DevFish Support ends March 2015 – fewer SPC positions What strategy now for SPC PIRFO support? The number of observers placed on fishing vessels through the Pacific Island Regional Fisheries Observer (PIRFO) programmes has expanded rapidly in recent years. A flow on effect is a significant increase in debriefer numbers to meet the PIRFO debriefer/observer ratios deemed necessary to maintain high observer standards. From 1995 to 2014, funds to support observer programmes, were provided by the EU, through the SPRTRAMP, PROCFish, SciFish and SciCOFish projects. From 2011 to 2014, funding for observer and debriefer training was also provided by the New Zealand Aid Programme and the EU DevFish project With the termination of these sources of funding in March 2015, and the consequent reduction in the number of positions at SPC, it is appropriate to consider a strategy for the support of observer programmes by SPC

3 Short-term support required:
Secretariat for, and Chair of, PIRFO CMC Further develop PIRFO standards Identify and develop appropriate training institutions Monitor PIRFO standards Develop, maintain and moderate PIRFO website Workshops for observer trainers and observer coordinators e-recording and e-monitoring General observer programme support and advice Short-term support is required for: PIRFO Certification Management Committee (CMC) Development of PIRFO standards Training institutions Monitoring of PIRFO standards Development of the PIRFO website Workshops for observer trainers and observer coordinators e-recording and e-monitoring General observer programme support and advice WP 6: Long-term strategy for observer training and support to the region

4 Certification Management Committee (CMC)
What is CMC Certification governance framework Secretariat work Formalise certification process Coordinate audits / moderation processes Setting up CMC Chair ?

5 Overseeing Authorisation Body – SPC/FFA/Other ???
PIRFO CMC Pre-selection Certification and Training Standards PIRFO Frontline Management PIRFO Basic Observer PIRFO Trainee Debriefer Electronic Recording Prerequisite PIRFO Debriefer Trainee Trainer Biological sampling Prerequisite Chain of Custody Transshipment PIRFO Debriefer Assessor PIRFO Trainer Cross-endorsement PIRFO Trainer and Assessor Electronic Monitoring PIRFO Qualifications Record Booklet

6 PIRFO Qualifications Record Booklet
WP 6: Long-term strategy for observer training and support to the region

7 PIRFO Qualifications Record Booklet
WP 6: Long-term strategy for observer training and support to the region

8 PIRFO Qualifications Record Booklet
WP 6: Long-term strategy for observer training and support to the region

9 PIRFO Qualifications Record Booklet
WP 6: Long-term strategy for observer training and support to the region

10 PIRFO Qualifications Record Booklet
WP 6: Long-term strategy for observer training and support to the region

11 PIRFO Qualifications Record Booklet
WP 6: Long-term strategy for observer training and support to the region

12 PIRFO Qualifications Record Booklet
WP 6: Long-term strategy for observer training and support to the region

13 PIRFO Qualifications Record Booklet
WP 6: Long-term strategy for observer training and support to the region

14 PIRFO Qualifications Record Booklet
WP 6: Long-term strategy for observer training and support to the region

15 PIRFO Qualifications Record Booklet
WP 6: Long-term strategy for observer training and support to the region

16 PIRFO Qualifications Record Booklet
WP 6: Long-term strategy for observer training and support to the region

17 PIRFO Qualifications Record Booklet
WP 6: Long-term strategy for observer training and support to the region

18 PIRFO Certification Management Committee (CMC)
What is PIRFO CMC certification governance framework guide training programme development ensure effective quality assurance Secretariat work formalise certification process coordinate audits / moderation processes Setting up PIRFO CMC Chair ? PIRFO Qualifications Record Booklet

19 Certificate in PIRFO Frontline Management
What is the Cert.PFM Who is it for ? Is it necessary ?

20 What is Cert. PFM Occupational Health and Safety
Leadership and teamwork Developing work priorities Establish networks Risk management Work programme planning Managing field staff Budgeting and financial reporting Managing PIRFO data Report writing Preparing and delivering presentations Fisheries management and observer data collection Meet workplace OHS requirements Show leadership and promote team effectiveness Develop work priorities Establish networks Identify risk and apply risk management processes Plan and manage PIRFO program operations Manage off-site PIRFO personnel Administer and report on financial activities Administer PIRFO information processes Write reports Make a presentation Apply knowledge of fisheries management to observer programme activities


22 Long-term support required:
Once 700 PIRFO observers and debriefers are in place a 10% per year turnover will require: 70 more observers (5-6 courses) and 12 new debriefers (1 intro course / on-site training) Moderation of training for improved delivery Update training for new tasks, data and data protocols Refresher training Observer trainer training required – numbers/updating Long-term support is required for observer and debriefer training: Once the required 700 PIRFO observers and debriefers are in place, an average 10% per year turnover will require 60 more observers and 12 new debriefers, with five Basic Observer Training courses and one “Introduction to Debriefing” workshop per annum, together with debriefer on-the-job training, and training of observer trainers, as required WP 6: Long-term strategy for observer training and support to the region

23 Recommendations of the ROCW-15:
The OFP continues to provide regional support for observer programmes Training of observers and debriefers - high priority Further development PIRFO standards - high priority The PIRFO CMC is the recognised moderating body for PIRFO certification and training standards Recommendations of the 15th Regional Observer Coordinators’ Workshop: The OFP continues to provide regional support for observer programmes. Training of observers and debriefers is a high priority. Further development of PIRFO standards is a high priority. The PIRFO Certification Management Committee is the recognised moderating body for PIRFO certification and training standards. WP 6: Long-term strategy for observer training and support to the region

24 Recommendations of the CMC-1:
CMC comprised of one representative each from: ROCW Chair FFA PNA aligned countries SPC non-PNA aligned countries WCPFC SPC chairs and provides secretariat services to the CMC SPC coordinates auditing and monitoring of PIRFO standards under CMC guidance Independent consultant develops a recognised international governance framework under which the CMC can legitimately and transparently operate, including terms of reference for the CMC Recommendations of the Certification Management Committee (CMC) meeting: The CMC is comprised of one represenative from FFA, one from SPC, one from WCPFC, one from PNA aligned countries and one from non-PNA aligned countries. The SPC OFP chairs and provides secretariat services to the CMC and coordianates the auditing and monitoring of standards under the CMC’s direction. An independent consultant develops a recognised international governance framework under which the CMC can legitmately and transparently operate, including terms of reference for the CMC WP 6: Long-term strategy for observer training and support to the region

25 Recommendations for future support of PIRFO:
Identify 3-4 suitable PIRFO basic training institutions - provide support to create full PIRFO training capacity Develop PIRFO website for all PIRFO career framework - hosted and moderated by the OFP Continue to organise Trainers workshops and ROCWs Monitor ER and EM developments to ensure seamless incorporation into observer activities Recommendations for future support of PIRFO activities: Three (or four) institutions that have the potential to deliver best-practice PIRFO basic training are identified with the intention of providing support to establish full PIRFO training capacity. The PIRFO website is developed to meet professional requirements at all levels of the PIRFO career framework to be hosted and moderated by the OFP. SPC continues to organise PIRFO trainers workshops and ROCWs. SPC monitors developments in electronic recording and electronic monitoring and takes an active role in ensuring seamless incorporation of these new tools into observer information collection related activities WP 6: Long-term strategy for observer training and support to the region

26 Heads of Fisheries are asked:
to endorse the above recommendations, and to adopt a regional cost-recovery mechanism to fund regional observer coordination and support activities (e.g.: a regional observer support levy, when seeking annual renewal on the FFA vessel register) to give thought to the future design of a PIRFO support framework – make-up, tasks and location Heads of Fisheries are asked: to endorse the above recommendations, and to adopt a regional cost-recovery mechanism to fund the regional observer coordination and support activities (such as a regional observer support levy, when seeking annual renewal on the FFA vessel register) Should both SPC and FFA continue to provide support for their own areas of expertise – OFP in science, FFA in compliance. Are there efficiencies in delivering support through a single unit (regardless of location) with liaison to both organisations (and other stakeholders) ? SPC science support but also training expertise (FFA has expressed interest in moving away from training) WP 6: Long-term strategy for observer training and support to the region

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