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Disney Reaches for the Stars Pulsar Search Collaboratory

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1 Disney Reaches for the Stars Pulsar Search Collaboratory
Shane Saddler, Gunner Hahn, Carly Lewis, Anna Dorst, Erin Wroblewski, Shane Coffield Introduction Project: to analyze data collected by the Green Bank telescope and search for pulsars Goals: Identify known pulsars, RFI, and new pulsars Investigate variations in periods Sort noise from significant data RFI (Radio Frequency Interference) Documented in Rogue Gallery as a power line Period ~ 1198 ms Harmonics Same known pulsar appears in about 30 different periods Known Pulsar Info: Dec: -13:54 RA: 09:44 DM: 12.5 Period: GBT Comparisons 2007 2011 Known Pulsar J Comparisons: RA and Dec both increased. ~ no change in DM Conclusions Certainties About 30 plots with extremely close DM values RFI is present almost half of the plots examined (47%) Saw 3 known pulsars Uncertainties/Questions Identifying fuzzy vertical patterns → use GBT to investigate further Could harmonics be different pulsars?

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