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Who am I? Day-4. Who am I? Day-4 Common Sense.

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Presentation on theme: "Who am I? Day-4. Who am I? Day-4 Common Sense."— Presentation transcript:


2 Who am I? Day-4

3 Common Sense

4 Intuitive understanding
My head My Body My hand My Legs

5 Consciousness – Symptom of presence of soul

6 Near Death Experience

7 Reincarnation – Past life memories

8 Can We see the soul?

9 There is a process to realize soul

10 The soul Resides within the Body

11 Composition of Body Soul Gross Body Earth Water Fire Air Ether
Subtle Body Mind Intelligence False Ego Soul

12 Characteristics of the soul

13 Individual

14 Sat, Cit & Ananda Cit Ananda Sat

15 Resides within the region of the heart

16 Changes bodies

17 Infinitesimally small

18 Inconceivable

19 Soul and Supersoul Soul Supersoul Humans (Jivatmas) GOD (paramatma)
Infinitesimal (anu) Infinite (vibhu) Cognizant of one’s body. Cognizant of everyone and everything. A loving servitor Eternally a loving master. We are one in quality with GOD, but different in quantity. Our Salvation depends on the acceptance of this reality.

20 Are we God's? We are : * not God’s * God’s * can never become God

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