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Computer use related upper limb musculoskeletal (ComRULM) disorders

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1 Computer use related upper limb musculoskeletal (ComRULM) disorders
Zhiyong Ming, Nina Zaproudina  Pathophysiology  Volume 9, Issue 3, Pages (May 2003) DOI: /S (03)00004-X

2 Fig. 1 Infrared thermograms of the hands of a lady who used computers more than 6 h per day with right forearm wrist and hand swelling and intensive pain. The temperatures measured indicate clearly higher values in the right arm. Pathophysiology 2003 9, DOI: ( /S (03)00004-X)

3 Fig. 2 At left: view of carpal tunnel structures, modified from Atlas of the Body: The Carpal Tunnel [15]. At right: if the median nerve is pressed at wrist, result is the paresthesia, numbness, tingling, or pain in the median nerve distribution area (and Digits 1–3 and partially also Digit 4). (1: Transverse carpal ligament; 2: Median nerve; 3: Tendon's sheaths; 4: Tendon; 5: Median nerve is very easily compressed at the wrist in computer users.) Pathophysiology 2003 9, DOI: ( /S (03)00004-X)

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