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Transverse Spin Physics at ANDY
x1 x2 Akio Ogawa for ANDY collaboration Transversity2014 Chia, Cagliari 2014 June 12
Goal of ANDY Project Measure the analyzing power for forward Drell-Yan production to test the predicted change in sign from semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering to DY associated with the Sivers function GEANT model of proposed ANDY apparatus (run-13) 2
AnDY History 2010 May LoI to PAC – Encouraged for full proposal
2011 Feb-April Run11 data taking (partial Ecal) 2011 May Proposal – Endorsed by PAC 2012 April-June Run12 data taking (partial Ecal + Ecal moved out) 2012 April BNL review – time constrain & man power issue IP2 was committed to Coherent Electron Cooling We still got very interesting data on Jets from run11 & 12
Expectations for Jet AN (Prior to Measurements)
Left from p+pp+X “old” Sivers function “new” Sivers function s=200 GeV arXiv: Right arXiv: √s=200 GeV pjT(GeV) √s = 500 GeV jets have 2.5x larger pT at the same xF relative to these predictions. Jets integrate over p+, p-, and p0 “Mirror” AN for p+ and p- should result in cancellations for jet AN
Run-11 setup ANDY at IP2 Trigger/DAQ electronics
Beam-beam counter (BBC) for minimum-bias trigger and luminosity measurement (from PHOBOS [NIM A474 (2001) 38]) Zero-degree calorimeter and shower maximum detector for luminosity measurement and local polarimetry (ZDC/ZDC-SMD, not shown) Hadron calorimeter (HCal) are L/R symmetric modules of 9x12 lead- scintilating fiber cells, (10cm)2x117cm (from AGS-E864 [NIM406(1998)227]) Small ECal - 7x7 matrices of lead glass cells, (4cm)2x40cm (loaned from BigCal at JLab) Preshower detector - two planes, 2.5 & 10 cm For run 12, the HCal was made annular Left/right symmetric HCal Left/right symmetric ECal Left/right symmetric preshower Trigger/DAQ electronics Blue-facing BBC Beryllium vacuum pipe PMT end view of 10cm x 10cm HCal cell 5
Run-12 setup Goal: to establish from measurement
HCal Left/Right modules used in run-11 were modified into annular 20x12 detector with 2x2 hole for the beam pipe Goal: to establish from measurement effects from trigger bias on run-11 jets 6
HCal Calibration - 0 Relative calibration of HCal cells by cosmic ray muon Absolute energy scale is set by: slope matching of energy distributions from minimum-bias data and simulation 2) reconstruction of p0gg from HCal “EM clusters” Cuts applied to select “electromagmetic” clusters: (1) 1-tower clusters; (2) Ecl > 1.8 GeV; (3) Epair > 5 GeV; (4) zpair < 0.5; (5) |x|>50 cm to avoid ECal shadow Energy resolution for EM shower ~< 10%/ sqrt(E) Corrections to HCal calibration for hadron showers are expected to be ~15% from simulations Cluster pair mass distributions in HCal modules from minimum-bias run-11 data and simulations (absolutely normalized) arXiv: HCal works well as Ecal *IF* no Ecal in front & segmented to smaller cell size
HCal - Hadronic Response
Leading cluster to proton (antiproton) Subleading cluster to p- (p+) Attribute peak in invariant mass to Lamba (anti-Lambda) E =1.12 x EEM-calibration – 0.1 GeV 1.15 from GEANT simulation Include everything K0* Only Simulation Leading cluster : K- (K+) Subleading cluster to p- (p+) Attribute peak in invariant mass to K0*
Jet Reconstruction – Anti-kT Jet Finder
Trigger on HCal masked ADC Sum in L/R Modules Display anti-kT jet clusters satisfying acceptance cuts Anti-kT Jet Finder Procedure : Iteratively merge pairs of clusters until clusters cease to satisfy distance criteria No Seed Towers can be outside trigger region Distance Criteria (clusters j,k) : djk = min(k-2Tj,k-2Tk)(R2jk/R2) R2jk = (ηj – ηk)2 + (Φj – Φk)2 If djk < k-2Tj then merge clusters j,k Use cone with radius = 0.7 in η-Φ space but cluster towers can fall outside of cone Impose acceptance cuts to accept/reject jet: |ηJ – 3.25| < 0.25 |ΦJ – ΦOff| < 0.50 where ΦOff = 0 for HCL ΦOff = π for HCR Energy Cut : Ejet > 30 GeV Algorithm : arXiv : arxiv : Events look “jetty” / Results with anti-kT algorithm similar to midpoint cone algorithm 14 June 2013
Reconstructed Jet Kinematics
Fiducial volume requirements 3<jet<3.5 |jet-off|<0.5, where off=0 for left and for right. A strong correlation between jet xF and pT, as shown. E = 25GeV to >150GeV pT = 2 to >10GeV 25GeV 100GeV Color axis=number of events used in jet AN analysis
Data/Simulation Comparison
30-50GeV 50-70GeV 70-90GeV Tower multiplicity Jet pT Jet shape Jet pT and xF are calculated ignoring mass good agreement between data and simulations above trigger threshold Jet-triggered data is well described by simulation 11
Multiplicity Distributions
Jet-triggered data is generally well described by simulation Particle multiplicities of forward jets are comparable to what is observed in e+e- at s10 GeV. PRD 56 (1997) 17 Transverse momenta of forward jets at RHIC are similar to those probed in FermiLab fixed target experiments PRL 38 (1977) 1447; PRL 41 (1978) 9; PRL 44 (1980) 514; PRD 31 (1985) 984. Average ~5.5 hadrons per jet (counting pi0, not photons)
Jet Energy Scale - Simulation
arXiv: Simulations confirm energy scale of jets, by comparison of “tower” jets [with full detector response] to “particle” jets [excluding detector response]. Reconstructed jets are directionally matched to hard-scattered partons as generated by PYTHIA Correlation between tower jet [from PYTHIA/GEANT] to particle jet [from PYTHIA]. The inset shows the component of the directional match () between particle jets and a hard-scattered parton, whose direction is defined by parton,parton. There is a 82% match requiring ||,||<0.8
Jet Energy Scale - Data 2-jet mass bump attributed to 2b2 gluons attributed to (1S)3 gluons attributed to C(1P)2 gluons Jet energy scale also determined from mass peaks in multi-jet events Hadronic decays of bottomonium well characterized in e+e- PRD 56 (1997) 17 production observed through +-g by ATLAS at LHC PRL 108 (2012)
Jet Cross Section Measured forward jet cross sections include point-to-point systematic errors as shown. PYTHIA [Comp. Phys. Commun. 135 (2001) 238] predate tunings of PYTHIA for LHC. PYTHIA [JHEP 05 (2006) 026] includes tunings of PYTHIA to Tevatron data for use at the LHC. NLO pQCD A.Mukerjee, W.Vogelsang Phys. Rev. D 86 (2012) [arXiv: ] NLO pQCD agree well with our measurement
Jet Analyzing Power AN(jet) is small and positive for xF,jet>0
Preliminary results [arXiv: ] reported comparable AN with the mid-point cone algorithm. Systematic errors do not include scale uncertainty from the beam polarization measurements AN(jet) is small and positive for xF,jet>0 Compatible with cancellations from pion production: AN(p+)AN(p-) Compatible with Sivers functions fit to semi-inclusive DIS
AN comparison with Theory
From fits to SIDIS Sivers moments Projected for pp forward jet AN Leonard Gamberg, Zhong-Bo Kang, Alexei Prokudin Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, (2013) arXiv: Twist-3 3 gluon correlation (200GeV) Y. Koike et al arXiv: Divided by 10 M. Anselmino et al PhysRevD arXiv:
AN for ECal-triggered jet vs Hcal-triggered jet
Run11 data only cone-jet algorism ECal triggered jet biases towards EM rich jets more pi0 like AN bias extends well beyond the trigger threshold
Backgrounds for DY Dijets are the reducible background to DY
Cross sections are efficiency corrected, following similar procedures used for inclusive jet cross section PYTHIA yield is too small PYTHIA yield is too large <kT> best described by PYTHIA 6.425 A hint of D from Ks+ a handle on irreducible open-HF background asymmetry?
Conclusions & Outlook Forward jet cross section was measured – NLO pQCD agrees well Forward jet AN was measured – Small and positive - Consistent with theory Forward di-jet cross section was measured - this will help future RHIC ANDY people are still working towards RHIC in STAR and PHENIX Some of ANDY equipment are moved to STAR for forward upgrades "What is dead may never die, but rises again, harder and stronger.” “A Feast for Crows” by GRRM
Backup 14 June 2013
Jet Energy Scale - II PYTHIA 6.425 simulation of (1S)3 gluons3 jets
(no backgrounds)
Jet Cross Section-I Definition
The jet invariant cross section is: where N – number of particles detected trig – trigger efficiency det – detection efficiency Lsamp – sampled luminosity (time integrated), calibrated by vernier scan <cosh()> - average value of cosh() over the acceptance, y <pT> - average value of transverse momentum in acceptance , - specifies the geometry of the acceptance E – width in energy of bin considered This shows an evaluation of the trigger efficiency from PYTHIA/GEANT. Inefficiency results from variation of for each tower for the extended source for the colliding beams. etrig is checked by extracting cross section from minimum-bias triggers
Spin Direction The analyzing power for forward neutron production [AN(n)] has been measured to be positive [PLB 650 (2007) 325] AN(n) is measured with zero-degree calorimeters [NIM A 499 (2003) 433], and provides colliding beam experiments with a local polarimeter. Confirm the spin direction used for jet measurements by measuring AN(n) concurrent with measuring AN(jet). This fixes the sign of AN(jet).
Jet Analyzing Power Definition and Systematics
AN(jet) exploits mirror (left/right) symmetry of apparatus with spin-/spin- of colliding beams, via a cross-ratio… Systematic errors for AN(jet) are in part computed by varying parameters analogous to manner done for cross section. Bottom line is that AN(jet) is statistics limited, because of cancellation of systematic errors from symmetry.
Transverse Single Spin Asymmetries in p+ p+X
Right Left Theory expectation: small AN for collinear pQCD at leading twist [Kane, Pumplin, Repko, PRL 41 (1978) 1689] AN O(10-4) Theory Experiment: p+ p- p0 E704 √s=20 GeV STAR PRL 101 (2008) Phys. Lett. B 261 (1991) 201 Phys. Lett. B 264 (1991) 462 AN O(10-1) Measured
Two of the Explanations for Large Transverse SSA
Collins mechanism requires transverse quark polarization and spin-dependent fragmentation Sivers mechanism requires spin-correlated transverse momentum in the proton (orbital motion). SSA is present for jet, g or g* (DY) Require experimental separation of Collins and Sivers contributions Jet(and DY) have no Collins contributions 14 June 2013
Jet Cross Section-II Run Dependence
Multiple systematic checks were made for the cross section. This plot shows two: In addition, results were obtained from jet-triggered and minimum-bias triggered samples, to check consistency. Comparison of cross sections from left and right modules Stability of cross section with time.
Jet Cross Section-III Systematic Errors
The stability of the jet cross section was examined as jet-finder (R,Ethr); jet acceptance (d,d); jet energy scale (S) and vertex selection (dzvert) parameters were varied. Results with jet triggered (open squares) and minimum-bias triggered (open circles) events are shown. Projections of the resulting cross section on the variation index J result in distributions for each energy bin used to estimate the systematic error for that bin.
Spin Sorting Blue single beam Yellow single beam
RHIC has a pattern of polarization directions injected for each fill. Polarization for colliding beams is established by counting (C) the 9.38 MHz clock, and identifying specific bunch crossings by B=mod(C,120) Polarization pattern for a fill is communicated from the accelerator to the experiments. Bunch counter distributions also assess single-beam backgrounds
Attractive vs Repulsive Sivers Effects
Unique Prediction of Gauge Theory ! Simple QED example: DIS: attractive Drell-Yan: repulsive Same in QCD: DOE performance milestone HP13 As a result: Transverse Spin Drell-Yan Physics at RHIC (2007)
Status of the ANDY Project See http://hena. lbl
A new effort at RHIC to make the first measurement of the analyzing power (AN) for Drell Yan (DY) production at s=500 GeV 2010 – Letter of Intent reviewed by program advisory committee (PAC) 2011 – model apparatus operated in RHIC run 11 / full proposal endorsed by PAC 2012 – ~2.5 pb-1 in RHIC run 12 / time constraint and manpower issues from Brookhaven review
Hcal Calibration – Cosmic Ray Muon
Prior to run 11 operation, HCal modules had relative PMT gains set by cosmic-ray muon response. Triggering enabled verification of scintillating fiber attenuation length in each detector ADC data from beam-left module with fits to Landau distribution (centroid shown) + exponential background
Trigger bias for forward jets
Tower multiplicity for the jet trigger (left) and ECal sum trigger (right) events 30 < Ejet < 50 GeV 50 < Ejet < 70 GeV 70 < Ejet < 90 GeV HCal trigger threshold ~ 35 GeV 30 < Ejet < 50 GeV 50 < Ejet < 70 GeV 70 < Ejet < 90 GeV ECal trigger threshold ~ 22 GeV ECal trigger biases jets, and the bias extends well beyond the trigger threshold The trigger bias imposed by ECal likely prefers jets that fragment to a hard neutral pion
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