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The issues that still needed to be dealt with

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1 The issues that still needed to be dealt with
Aftermath of the War The issues that still needed to be dealt with

2 Issue One Issue: What to do with remaining Nazis?
Solution: Nurenberg trials. This forced the Nazis to own up to their crimes against humanity. They were proven guilty and hanged.

3 Issue Two Issue: Maintaining future Peace
Solution: United Nations. The United Nations was set up as a place where international disputes could be handled diplomatically with encouragement of rest of world.

4 Issue Three Issue: Stabilizing Asia with Japan removed as the controlling power. Solution: Well.... This wasn't so easy. Soviets have an idea to spread communism in this area so close to them. The U.S. believes differently and thus we get the Cold War.

5 Issue Four Issue: What to do with Germany?
Solution: Potsdam conference- Divided up between the Allied powers to ensure Germany could not rearm and rebuild.

6 New Divided Germany

7 Issue Five Issue: What to do with Holocaust survivors?
Solution: Many of the Jews who survived the Holocaust had lost everything and had to rebuild their lives. To provide a home for many of them, the UN created the state of Israel in the Middle East.

8 Issue Six Issue: What to do with returning military men in US?
Solution: GI Bill of Rights. This provided returning soldiers with education and training paid by the government. Also provided guaranteed loans for veterans buying homes or farms.

9 Issue Seven Issue: How to rebuild Europe?
Solution: Marshall Plan. This plan was US funded and gave aid to any European nation who needed it. It also ensured that these European countries receiving aid must open up to free trade.

10 Marshall Plan

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