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Final Exam Trivia Review

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1 Final Exam Trivia Review

2 Round 1: Prehistory

3 Round 1: Question 1 QUESTION: What does BC mean? What does AD mean…be specific. ANSWER: BC means Before Christ (before Christ was born), AD means Anno Domini (Latin for “in the year of our Lord”)

4 Round 1: Question 2 QUESTION: What was the Neolithic Revolution? Explain one impact of it. ANSWER: Switch to food producing. Impact: People settled in one area, had a food surplus, developed other skills and technology, etc

5 Round 1: Question 3 QUESTION: What geographic feature were the Cradles of Civilization centered around? Why? ANSWER: Rivers because those areas had soil that was well suited for growing crops/farming

6 Round 1: Question 4 QUESTION: Identify the 4 Cradles of Civilization (give rivers and location) ANSWER: Mesopotamia (Tigris/Euphrates), Egypt (Nile), India (Indus), China (Huang He/Yellow)

7 Round 1: Question 5 QUESTION: What are the 5 characteristics associated with the definition of civilization? ANSWER: (1) advanced cities (2) record keeping (3) specialized workers (4) complex institutions (5) improved technology

8 Round 2: Egypt & Mesopotamia

9 Round 2: Question 1 QUESTION: Define theocracy and provide one piece of evidence that Egypt was a theocracy ANSWER: Government based upon religion; pharaohs were viewed as gods, pharaohs ruled religion, gov’t and military, etc

10 Round 2: Question 2 QUESTION: In Egypt, the Pharaoh had the most power, followed by government officials, soldiers and scribes. Farmers and slaves had the least amount of power. This BEST describes what concept? ANSWER: Social Hierarchy

11 Round 2: Question 4 QUESTION: How does the Code of Hammurabi reflect social hierarchy in Mesopotamia? ANSWER: Punishments varied by social class

12 Round 3: Religions

13 Round 3: Question 1 QUESTION: Which religion…
Believes in the caste system? Was the 1st major monotheistic religion? Split into Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic? Follows the Eightfold Path? Requires a pilgrimage to Mecca? ANSWER: Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam

14 Round 3: Question 2 QUESTION: Religion that Vladimir I chose for early Russia – be specific ANSWER: Eastern Orthodox Christianity

15 Round 3: Question 3 QUESTION: The Christian church split in 1054, becoming the Roman Catholic Church in the west, and the Eastern Orthodox Church in the east. What was the ORIGINAL cause that eventually led to a split in the church? ANSWER: Disagreement of the worship of icons and religious imagery

16 Round 3: Question 4 QUESTION: What are the 5 pillars of Islamic Faith?
ANSWER: The creed (there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger), Prayer 5 times a day facing Mecca, Giving to the poor, Fasting during the month of Ramadan, Pilgrimage to Mecca

17 Round 3: Question 5 QUESTION: Describe 2 differences between Catholic beliefs and Protestant beliefs as a result of the Protestant Reformation (be specific) ANSWER: Bible (C: Latin/priest only interpret; P: vernacular/interpret for self), Salvation (C: faith and good works; P: Faith only) Hierarchy (C: Priest powers; P: Priesthood of all believers)

18 Brain Buster Bonus! QUESTION: Put the following events in correct chronological order: Martin Luther nails 95 Theses to church door, Siddhartha Gautama preaches his 4 Noble Truths, Abraham becomes the father of Judaism; Muhammad flees to Medina; Theodosius makes Christianity official religion of Roman Empire ANSWER: Abraham, Siddhartha, Theodosius, Muhammad, Martin Luther

19 Round 4: Greece & Rome

20 Round 4: Question 1 QUESTION: How did the geography of Greece impact its political development? ANSWER: Not unified; political division; independent city states with own identities

21 Round 4: Question 2 QUESTION: Form of government that developed in Athens and 1 way it is different from our gov’t today ANSWER: Democracy; Direct, not representative; Citizens include women and naturalized citizens

22 Round 4: Question 3 QUESTION: Give one reason a dictator would be allowed to come to power in the Roman Republic ANSWER: Event of war; time of crisis

23 Round 4: Question 5 QUESTION: After the fall of the Roman Empire, the eastern portion of the Empire became known as the Byzantine Empire. Identify 2 accomplishments of the Byz. Empire (think Justinian and Theodora) ANSWER: preserved Greek and Roman culture (law!); improved women’s rights; spread Christianity

24 Brain Buster Bonus! QUESTION: Put the following events in correct chronological order: Rome begins the Pax Romana, Caesar Augustus defeats Marc Antony to become first Roman Emperor, Sparta defeats Athens in the Peloponnesian War, Julius Caesar is assassinated ANSWER: Sparta, Julius, Caesar Augustus, Pax Romana

25 Round 5: The Middle Ages

26 Round 5: Question 1 QUESTION: Give 2 reasons the early middle ages were considered “dark” ANSWER: barbarian invasions, roads/towns fell into decay; no centralized govt; no learning

27 Round 5: Question 2 QUESTION: 3 motivations for Crusades
ANSWER: Salvation, regain holy lands, adventure, land/wealth, forgiveness of sins, debts or feudal obligations

28 Round 5: Question 3 QUESTION: 3 results of the Crusades
ANSWER: Trade increased, legacy of hatred, growth of $ economy, lost faith in Church

29 Round 5: Question 4 QUESTION: Feudalism grew out of a need for ___________, while the manor system grew out of a need for economic___________. ANSWER: protection/order; self-sufficiency

30 Brain Buster Bonus! QUESTION: Put the following events in correct chronological order: Reformation, Crusades, Charlemagne, Scientific Revolution, Black Death, Fall of Rome, Renaissance, Neolithic Revolution ANSWER: Neolithic Rev, Fall of Rome, Charlemagne, Crusades, Black Death, Renaissance, Reformation, Scientific Revolution

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