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The Health and Education Context in Wales

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1 The Health and Education Context in Wales
Dr Julie Bishop, Director of Health Improvement 21 May 2018 Ma

2 Well-being of Future Generations Act
Wales is one of the first countries to introduce a law like this. The Act says that public bodies, such as Local Authorities and the NHS must work together towards seven well-being goals.

3 Prosperity for All: the national strategy
PPPPP Prosperity for All: the national strategy


5 Whose benefit?

6 What is the single most important thing that schools can do that would make the biggest difference to the health of the population?

7 Source: Fair Society Healthy Lives, 2010



10 Poor Health and Wellbeing Poor educational attainment

11 The Dahlgren-Whitehead Social Determinants of Health Model 1991

12 A Curriculum for Wales 1Hea
Health and wellbeing as 1 of 6 Areas of learning and Experience The 4 Purposes of the curriculum: 1Hea

13 ESTYN Inspection Framework

14 Curriculum – teaching and learning Planning and Evaluation
Policy and ethos Environment and Facilities Help and support services Workforce Leadership Involvement Planning and Evaluation Whole School Approach to Health and Wellbeing – Welsh Network of Healthy School Schemes



17 Dr. A. Salusbury MacNalty (Chief Medical Officer Ministry of Health and Board of Education)…Hygiene in the school must be a training in habit, a discipline as well as a culture, concerned directly with the life of the children, his family and the community…..It is most important that the school premises should provide a civilising environment favourable to he foundation and practice of healthy habits – roomy classrooms with abundant sunlight and ventilations: well-arranged and properly equipped offices and lavatories with a supply of hot water; suitable uncrowded cloakrooms; facilities for drying clothes and boots and adequate playgrounds. Well-arranged dining-rooms, properly served school meals…with facilities for exercise and rest are powerful agents in health education.’

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