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How did Revolution Change the Way France was Governed?

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1 How did Revolution Change the Way France was Governed?

2 Political Clubs There were no political parties like today
Instead people joined political clubs They could meet to discuss political ideas Members were also part of the Legislative Assembly Stuck together

3 Girondists and Jacobins were the 2 most important clubs
wanted to end the monarchy but then resisted the extremism of the Revolution. They came into conflict with The Mountain -a radical faction within the Jacobin Club. viewed as too conservative the most radical and ruthless of the political groups Wanted to execute the king Helped Robespierre institute the Reign of Terror

4 Sans-Culottes Poor people from Paris and other cities
Supported radicals who wanted to execute the king and aristocrats Wanted the government to lower prices and supply bread to the poor Used violence and mobs to support the radicals

5 Fearing the Spread of Revolution
Other European leaders were scared of what was happening in France Many French aristocrats fled to other countries Austria openly declared support for the monarchy in 1792 France declared war and Jacobins used it to inspire more people to join the revolution in order to save France from foreign oppression La Marseillaise composed to inspire the revolution is now the national anthem

6 End of the Monarchy Newly elected government called the National Convention Decided the king should be tired for his crimes against the country 1792 the Monarchy was abolished and the king was now called Citizen Louis Capet Palace in Paris burned down by a mob

7 Trial of Citizen Louis Capet
33 charges laid against him Constitution of 1791 ignored Monarch was to be dethroned at the most Louis argued he would make a constitutional monarchy He was not believed

8 Trial and Execution Louis Capet charged with Treason Why?
Use of foreign mercenaries to control crowds before the fall of the Bastille His attempt to flee His cousin fled to Austria and helped fight the French seen as a plot to restore the monarchy Found guilty and executed by guillotine Jan 21, 1793 Marie Antoinette executed in Oct 1793

9 The Republic of France The National Convention declared France a Republic Monarchy was abolished citizens choose the leaders of their country “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”

10 Power Corrupts Radical Jacobins turned France into a dictatorship
had all of the power Girondists or moderates were considered enemies of the revolution and imprisoned No one could speak out against the Jacobins

11 Reign of Terror A period from when the government was controlled by the Committee for Public Safety Led by Robespierre Passed a number of laws designed to intimidate or eliminate opposition Marie Antoinette the first victim Public executions Across France 30,000 people lost their lives.

12 Robespierre Leader of the Committee for Public Safety
Sent anyone who challenged him or the revolution to the guillotine At least 17000 Eventually he was overthrown and arrested by his opponents due to his murderous actions Tried to shoot himself but on shattered his jaw Executed by guillotine July 28th 1794

13 The Directory A new government called the Directory created Oct 1795
Administered by a collective leadership of five directors lasted four years, from November 1795 to November 1799 Days of the equal citizen and revolution were over Only people with property could vote

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