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Aim: What was life like during the Reign of Terror?

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: What was life like during the Reign of Terror?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: What was life like during the Reign of Terror?
Do Now: Complete the handout, “In the Tennis Court” independently.

2 We will watch 2 clips from the movie “Marie Antoinette”
The1st clip will depict Marie Antoinette lavish lifestyle. The 2nd will depict the storming of the palace.

3 Women March on Versailles

4 Marie Antoinette “Let them Eat Cake”

5 What happens when a monarch’s power is threatened?

6 The Reign of Terror Radicals take over the National Assembly--> National Convention 1. Write a new constitution 2. Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette arrested and executed

7 Louis XVI’s Head (January 21, 1793)
The National Convention voted 387 to 334 to execute the monarchs.

8 Marie Antoinette on the Way to the Guillotine

9 Marie Antoinette Died in October, 1793

10 Committee for Public Safety
Led by Maximilien Robespierre The Committee arrested and executed anyone who spoke out against the government. Revolutionary Tribunals. 300,000 arrested. 16,000 – 50,000 executed.

11 Maximillian Robespierre (1758 – 1794)

12 The Reign of Terror Terror is. nothing other than justice, prompt, severe, inflexible. Let terror be the order of the day! The Revolutionary Tribunal of Paris alone executed 2,639 victims in 15 months. The total number of victims nationwide was over 20,000!

13 Cooperative Learning Activity
Complete the reading: “Robespierre: Architect of Terror”. Each group will be responsible for ONE index card (front and back) with their response.

14 The “Monster” Guillotine
The last guillotine execution in France was in the 1977!

15 Summary Would you want to live in France during the Reign of Terror? Why or why not?

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