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Task Force on Passenger Mobility Statistics 11 October 2018

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1 Task Force on Passenger Mobility Statistics 11 October 2018
Item 4.1. of the Agenda Road traffic statistics in Poland

2 Contents Action objectives Data sources for indicators
Methods of data collection Problems with Central Vehicle Register Solutions implemented Calculation of indicators

3 Action objectives Eurostat Grant: Passenger Mobility and Road traffic.
Module 3: Road Traffic Statistics Title of the Action: Road Traffic Statistics Eligible Period: 22 December April 2018 The objectives of the action: to develop and to provide harmonized data on the road traffic statistics to obtain data on the road traffic statistics in the years 2015 and 2016

4 Data sources for indicators
Results of the General Traffic Census conducted in 2010 and 2015 by the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways (GDDKiA) National traffic model for the road network developed at GDDKiA in order to estimate the indicators for 2016 Results of statistical surveys in the field of passenger and freight road transport conducted by Statistics Poland in the years 2015 and 2016 Data from Central Register of Vehicles registered in Poland as of the end of 2015 and 2016

5 Methods of data collection
The General Traffic Census on roads was held with the use of the hand calculating procedures, and the classification of vehicles for the group of this measure was conducted by the visual inspection. Data possessed by Statistics Poland come from: statistics of enterprises carried out road transport of goods or of passengers Central register of vehicles.

6 Problems with Central Vehicle Register
incomplete information on the vehicles' mileages, mainly for vehicles which are 3 years old and younger since in accordance with the national law those vehicles should undergo vehicle technical inspections if they are older than three years data for 3-year-old vehicles if they had participated in a road accident or if the vehicle is used as a taxi odometer readings of the vehicles in different measurement units (i.e., kilometres, miles, operating hours) or without measurement unit

7 Solutions implemented
to calculate the average annual mileage for particular types of vehicles to aggregate vehicles data in accordance with the requirements of Eurostat to provide the shares of the types of vehicles up to the age of 20 years by manufacture years and for over 20-year-old vehicles in the average annual mileage. to estimate mileages for all vehicles registered in the Central Register of Vehicles on the basis of data prepared by General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways

8 Solutions implemented cont.
to use the results of statistical surveys on the passenger and freight road transport as well as the survey on border traffic in order to calculate the distance travelled by Polish vehicles outside the borders of Poland to prepare the road traffic statistics in 2015 and on the basis of method of combining data obtained from different data sources

9 Calculation of indicators
The first step – to calculate road traffic indicators in Poland for the Eurostat table 4 The second step - to prepare the Eurostat table 3 The third step - to complete Eurostat table 2

10 Table 4 The first step to obtain from the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways average daily traffic on the territory of Poland in the years and 2016 divided into: the following types of vehicles : motorcycles and mopeds passenger cars delivery vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes goods vehicles goods vehicles (road tractors) with the trailer (semi-trailer) buses agricultural tractors road categories: national roads regional roads district roads communal roads broken down by urban and non-urban areas

11 Table 4 cont. to calculate the vehicle-kilometres of vehicles on the whole road network in Poland, i.e. to multiply the average daily traffic volume (divided into vehicle categories) by 365 days a year and the length of roads of particular categories of roads as of 31 December 2015 (for 2015) or 31 December (for 2016) to calculate the road traffic on motorways: for goods vehicles and buses (including minibuses and coaches) on the basis of the data from the viaTOLL electronic toll collection system were used for other types of vehicles - those from the national traffic model (from econometric model)

12 Table 4 cont. The second step The third step
to divide the road traffic into national and foreign vehicles, based on: the results of the General Traffic Census conducted in 2015 the estimated data of this traffic for 2016 made by the GDDKiA based on the econometric model. The third step to divide annual road traffic into national vehicles and foreign vehicles, to calculate the road traffic on other roads (the difference between the total mileage and the mileage on motorways).

13 Table 3 to use data from table 4 for national vehicles on the territory of Poland to calculate the mileages of vehicles abroad on the basis of: data from the statistics of enterprises carried out road transport of goods or of passengers, in particular data on the mileages of goods vehicles with over 3.5 tonnes as well as buses (including motor coaches) and mini buses. the assumption resulted from the results of the border traffic survey for mini buses (on average they travel abroad over a distance of 50 km 12 times a year) to divide the vehicles into types of fuel used for passenger cars and goods vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes (inclusive) on the basis of the shares in estimated annual mileage for vehicles registered in the Central Register of Vehicles lack of information on motorcycles and mopeds on foreign territory

14 Table 2 to aggregate data for vehicles registered in the Central Register of Vehicles by age groups and types of vehicles according to the table 2 to calculate shares types of vehicles in the average annual mileage based on the readings of mileages of vehicles registered in the Central Vehicle Register and number of registered vehicles to use data from table 3 about national vehicles total (on national and foreign territory) and shares types of vehicles in the average annual mileage of vehicles

15 Thank you for your attention
Małgorzata Kaczor Trade and Services Departament

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