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thermal thankful theory

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1 th th voiced (digraph) th unvoiced (digraph) the as in breathe(digraph)

2 thermal thankful theory
Word Lists R 1 2 3 4 5 6 thin think thong thing thick thrill thirsty thought threw thumb thigh bathtub toothache toothbrushtoothpaste thirst theatre therapy healthy thoughtful thousand thunder bathmat truthful teeth thermometer thimble thunderstorm authentic breathe bathe feather weather leather sun bathe thermal thankful theory sleuth thirteen thirty fourth myth bothersome withdraw theologian pathetic sympathy brotherly thyroid weatherman weatherproof empathy thumbtack amphitheatre anaesthesia authenticity thermodynamic thermite unclothe theorist thermionic thiazine thunderous

3 1 thrill thigh thirsty bathtub thought toothache threw toothbrush
thumb toothpaste

4 2 thousand thirst theatre thunder therapy bathmat healthy truthful
thoughtful teeth

5 th th th th th Handwriting 12/8/15 thirsty threw thumb thrill
1 I drank water as I was ____. 2 Going on a plane was a_____. 3 The boy ___ the ball.

6 thousand thunder teeth
Handwriting /815 th th th th thousand thunder teeth 1 _____ is very scarey. 2 I brush my _____ . 3 I wish I had a _____ dollars.

7 a sudden feeling of excitement
thrill say spell THRILL a sudden feeling of excitement th-r-i-ll = 4 thrill = 1 sounds syllables

8 thirsty th-ir-s-t-y = 5 THIRSTY thirs/ty = 2 say spell sounds
to need a drink th-ir-s-t-y = 5 thirs/ty = 2 sounds syllables

9 thought th-ough-t = 3 THOUGHT thought = 1 say spell sounds syllables
an idea th-ough-t = 3 thought = 1 sounds syllables

10 to have thrown something
threw say spell THREW to have thrown something th-r-ew = 3 threw = 1 sounds syllables

11 thumb th-u-mb = 3 THUMB thumb= 1 say spell sounds syllables
the short thick finger th-u-mb = 3 thumb= 1 sounds syllables

12 part of the leg below the hip
thigh say spell THIGH part of the leg below the hip th-igh = 2 thigh = 1 sounds syllables

13 bathtub BATHTUB bath/tub = 2 b-a-th-t-u-b = 6 say spell sounds
a tub for bathing b-a-th-t-u-b = 6 bath/tub = 2 sounds syllables

14 toothache TOOTHACHE t-oo-th-a-che = 5 tooth/ache= 2 say spell sounds
a pain in a tooth t-oo-th-a-che = 5 tooth/ache= 2 sounds syllables

15 a brush for cleaning the teeth
toothbrush say spell TOOTHBRUSH a brush for cleaning the teeth t-oo-th-b-r-u-sh = 7 tooth/brush= 2 sounds syllables

16 a paste used for cleaning the teeth
toothpaste say spell TOOTHPASTE a paste used for cleaning the teeth t-oo-th-p-a-s-t-e= 7 tooth/paste= 2 sounds syllables

17 thousand THOUSAND thou/sand = 2 th-ou-s-a-n-d = 6 say spell sounds
the number after 999 th-ou-s-a-n-d = 6 thou/sand = 2 sounds syllables

18 a building where performances are given
theatre say spell THEATRE a building where performances are given th-ea-t-re = 4 the/a/tre = 3 sounds syllables

19 treatment for healing an injury
therapy say spell THERAPY treatment for healing an injury th-e-r-a-p-y = 6 ther/a/py = 3    sounds syllables

20 healthy HEALTHY health/y= 2 h-ea-l-th-y = 5 say spell sounds syllables
nutritious h-ea-l-th-y = 5 health/y= 2 sounds syllables

21 to be caring and helpful
thoughtful say spell THOUGHTFUL to be caring and helpful th-ough-t-f-u-l = 6 thought/ful = 2 sounds syllables

22 wanting to drink something
thirst say spell THIRST wanting to drink something th-ir-s-t = 4 thirst= 1 sounds syllables

23 a loud rumbling after a lightning flash
thunder say spell THUNDER a loud rumbling after a lightning flash th-u-n-d-er = 5 thun/der = 2 sounds syllables

24 bathmat BATHMAT bath/mat = 2 b-a-th-m-a-t = 6 say spell sounds
a mat in the bathroom b-a-th-m-a-t = 6 bath/mat = 2 sounds syllables

25 truthful TRUTHFUL truth/ful= 2 t-r-u-th-f-u-l = 7 say spell sounds
to be honest t-r-u-th-f-u-l = 7 truth/ful= 2 sounds syllables

26 white objects in the mouth used for eating
teeth say spell TEETH white objects in the mouth used for eating t-ee-th = 3 teeth = 1 sounds syllables

27 1 an idea to have thrown something part of the leg below the hip
a paste used for cleaning the teeth a pain in a tooth a tub for bathing a brush for cleaning the teeth the short thick finger to need a drink a sudden feeling of excitement

28 2 to be honest a mat in the bathroom to be caring and helpful
treatment for healing an injury nutritious wanting to drink something the number after nine hundred and ninety nine a building where performances are given a loud rumbling after a lightning flash white objects in the mouth used for eating

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