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Monerans, Viruses, and Protista

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1 Monerans, Viruses, and Protista

2 Host: an organism that a parasite feeds on
Vocabulary Host: an organism that a parasite feeds on Parasite: organism gets food by living in or on an organism

3 MONERA Unicellular (one cell) without a nucleus Microorganism (small)- organism that can only be seen under a microscope Structure: ___Flagella____ Flagella: used for movement such as propelling forward

4 Harmful bacteria cause sickness and food spoilage
Destroyed by anti-biotics Helpful bacteria are used in environmental oil spills and fertilizer, digestion of food, and production of antibiotics (medicine used to kill harmful bacteria) Example: Yogurt and Cheese

5 Viruses Tiny particles that invade a host cell Cannot reproduce on their own, need other living cells Parasites: lives in or on a host cell **HARMFUL** Causes diseases such as the flu, stomach virus, cold, chicken pox, HIV(AIDS) Video

6 ANTIBIOTICS DO NOT help destroy the virus
Vaccines: dead or weakened strain of a virus that causes an immune response(antibodies) *helps to prevent you from getting the disease* Video

7 Protists Unicellular (one cell) with a nucleus They usually live in water. Some protists move around, while others stay in one place Examples of protists include some algae, paramecium, and amoeba Video

8 Amoeba Amoeba moves with pseudopods Kingdom: Protist
Unicellular or Multicellular Reproduce asexually (one parent) Animal like Heterotroph: must eat to gain energy Video

9 Paramecium Paramecium moves with cilia Kingdom: Protist
Unicellular or Multicellular Reproduce asexually (one parent) Animal like Heterotroph: must eat to gain energy Video

10 Euglena Euglena moves with flagella Kingdom: Protist
Unicellular or Multicellular Reproduce asexually(one parent) Animal like AND Plant Like Autotroph: can make its own food through the process of photosynthesis AND Heterotroph: must eat to gain energy Contains chloroplast to help with photosynthesis Video

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