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Tuesday, January 24, 2012 Please follow the expectations for entering the classroom. Copy today’s “I can” statement. Fill out your agenda. Thank you! C:

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday, January 24, 2012 Please follow the expectations for entering the classroom. Copy today’s “I can” statement. Fill out your agenda. Thank you! C:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday, January 24, 2012 Please follow the expectations for entering the classroom. Copy today’s “I can” statement. Fill out your agenda. Thank you! C: 0 (after the bell rings) H: quietly ask neighbor; raise hand (after bell) A: independent work M: 0 (after bell rings) P: completing bellringer tasks, following expectations

2 Important vocabulary terms
Cell: The basic unit of structure and function in living things How does a cell relate to an atom? Unicellular: One-celled organism Multi-cellular: Organism with more than one cell Prokaryote: simple organism; cell without a nucleus (includes bacteria and blue-green algae) Eukaryote: type of cell with a “true” nucleus (includes all animal and most plant cells)

3 Paramecium Unicellular organisms found in aquatic ecosystems (lakes, streams, rivers, etc.) Paramecium: Photo 1. Retrieved January 22, 2010 from Paramecium multimicronucleatum - Ciliated Protozoan (SEM x1,600). This image is copyright Dennis Kunkel at Retrrieved January 22, 2012 from

4 Microscope Drawing On the next clean page in your notebook, sketch the microscope on your table in its entirety. Be as detailed as possible!


6 Microscope Exploration
Sentries at the Gate As a group, read and complete pages 10 and 11. Then follow the directions CAREFULLY to complete page 12. (Materials are on the back counter.) Microscope Exploration Read the “Microscope General Use Instructions” and familiarize yourself with the parts of the microscope. Follow the directions CAREFULLY to complete the “Letter ‘e’ Wet Mount”. Assignment Check Annotated article (“Discovering Cells”) Illustrated timeline 10 facts about cells (from video)

7 Ender Tell me one thing you know for sure as a result of today’s lesson as it relates to the “I can” statement.

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