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Band Saw.

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1 Band Saw

2 What Determines the Maximum Thickness That Can be Cut on a Band Saw?
The maximum thickness is limited to the distance between the top of the table and the blade guide in its uppermost position.

3 Where should you stand when cutting with a band saw?
Directly behind the work piece. A bit off to the left side is a good idea too. Do not stand on the right side of the band saw. Your fingers should be no closer than 2 inches from the blade. Use push sticks and sleds.

4 What is the general rule for selecting band saw blades for cutting curves?
Select the proper blade. Refer to a Blade Chart The smaller the radius = the smaller/finer the blade.

5 How to cut sharp, external curves
Make several relief cuts from the outside edge within 1/16” of the layout line. Proceed to cut your curve by cutting just to the outside of you layout line.

6 How to cut circles Use a circle jig.
You will “spin” the stock/wood on the pivit point of the circle jig. Spin slowly or the blade will travel.

7 Cutting many duplicate parts
Pad Sawing: stacking several pieces on-top of each other and cutting. You would need to fasten them together. Nail together or even lightly glue with a weaker adhesive. Resawing = cutting a board into thinner pieces. Like using a planer but instead of turning one side into chips/dust, that side is still a whole board. Meaning you get two boards instead of one board and a whole lot of dust.

8 Changing a blade Demonstration.

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