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Editing Peer writing Draft of Scary story.

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Presentation on theme: "Editing Peer writing Draft of Scary story."— Presentation transcript:

1 Editing Peer writing Draft of Scary story

2 Tools needed Notebook with completed scary story
Annotation colors--(blue, green, and purple) Pen--any color

3 Switch notebooks with your partner. Read the story.
As you read, use your annotation colors and underline: Character details in blue Setting(s) in green Plot details is purple First reading...

4 First reading… Under the last paragraph, write and finish the sentence frames with your pen: Something you did well was… Something you should consider changing or adding is… I like how you… My favorite part of your story was...

5 correct any spelling, grammar, And punctuation errors.
second reading... correct any spelling, grammar, And punctuation errors.

6 due :Monday, october 16th!!!late assignments never get full credit.
homework Type up your draft making changes as needed. Format: Any font type or size--standard mla rules don’t apply :) ADV--Heading on the left hand side Reg--heading on right hand side due :Monday, october 16th!!!late assignments never get full credit.

7 Don’t have a computer or printer at home??
Your school library has plenty!! Open mon-fri Before school at 7:00am Snack Lunch After school until 4:00 Free printing for stories! Friendly librarian and aides there to help No excuses!! DO NOT ask me to print your story

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