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Published byวานี ติณสูลานนท์ Modified over 6 years ago
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Social Development
Annual Report 2014/15
Purpose of the Presentation
The purpose of this presentation is to present to the Portfolio Committee on Social Development SASSA 2014/15 Annual Report; focusing on: Performance Information; Budget and Expenditure 2014/15; and Audit outcomes .
Presentation Outline Overview
Programme Performance Information - Achievements against /15 Strategic Priorities Budget and Expenditure for 2014/15 Summary of Audit Outcomes; and Challenges
“A leader in the delivery of social security services” MISSION To administer quality customer-centric social security services to eligible and potential beneficiaries. SASSA’s Slogan Paying the right social grant, to the right person, at the right time and place. NJALO!
Expand access to social assistance and creating a platform for future payment of social security benefits. GOAL STATEMENT To render social assistance to eligible beneficiaries
Key priorities for 2014/ /19 The primary focus of SASSA will be on: Reducing income poverty by providing social assistance to eligible individuals Improving service delivery Improving internal efficiency Institutionalising social grants payment system within SASSA
Strategic Objectives Strategic Objectives for SASSA for the reporting period were: to ensure that eligible beneficiaries receive benefits due to them; to improve the quality of service delivery to our customers; to achieve a fully integrated and automated social assistance service; and to ensure that the Agency is optimally capacitated for optimal service delivery.
Performance against the 2014/15 Priorities
PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance against the 2014/15 Priorities
Implementation of the Social Assistance Programme
Objective To provide social assistance to qualifying/eligible beneficiaries Planned Targets Target is to reach at least 1.1m new beneficiaries p.a Achieved Total annual progress achieved : The total number of applications processed from April 2014 to March was (125% of the annual target); (94.5%) were approved; (5.1%) were rejected; and 5 951 (0.4%) were outstanding.
Implementation of Social Assistance Programme
Objective To provide social assistance to qualifying/eligible beneficiaries. Planned Target To increase the number of grants in payment from to by the end of 2014/15. Achieved social assistance benefits were in payment as at end of financial year are children’s grants; are older person’s grants; disability grants; There was a 4.46% increase in the growth of social grants Lapsed Grants: A total of social grants were lapsed between April 2014 to March 2015.
Social Grants Trends Number of grant benefits and percentage growth over a nine year period by grant type Grant Type 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 Old Age 2 2 War Veteran 2 340 1 9 24 1 500 1 216 958 753 587 429 326 Disability 1 1 Grant in Aid 31 918 37 343 46 069 53 237 58 413 66 493 73 719 83 059 Care Dependency 98 631 Foster Child Child Support 7 8 Total 12 12 Annual Growth 7.50% 6.20% 4.42% 3.27% -1.08% 4.46% Source: SOCPEN System
Social Grants trends conti…
Social Grant Expenditure per Grant type over nine-year period Grant Type 2006/7 R’000 2007/8 R‘000 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 Old Age War Veteran 25 000 21 845 19 692 16 644 13 976 11 848 9 543 7 657 6 157 Disability Foster Child Care Dependency Child Support Grant in Aid SRD Total R R R R R R R R
Social Grants Trends: growth rates (2013/14 vs. 2014/15)
Region 2013/14 2014/15 Difference/Change % Growth Eastern Cape 2,620,284 2,718,472 98,188 3.75% Free State 934,766 960,774 26,008 2.78% Gauteng 2,184,193 2,317,903 133,710 6.12% Kwazulu-Natal 3,761,662 3,886,115 124,453 3.31% Limpopo 2,222,730 2,315,499 92,769 4.17% Mpumalanga 1,325,217 1,389,054 63,837 4.82% North West 1,120,034 1,170,505 50,471 4.51% Northern Cape 424,815 446,260 21,445 5.05% Western Cape 1,338,772 1,438,061 99,289 7.42% Total 15,932,473 16,642,643 710,170 4.46% GP and WC had the highest growth due to intensified campaigns to reach excluded children
Social Grants Trends cont…
Number of grant benefits by grant type and region as at 31 March 2015 Region OAG WVG DG GIA CDG FCG CSG Total % of total EC 47 16 391 19 165 16.30% FS 5 75 526 2 095 6 385 37 985 5.80% GP 89 2 989 16 170 53 411 13.90% KZN 38 39 333 36 471 23.40% LP 21 93 428 21 228 13 266 57 694 MP 14 78 487 5 154 9 572 34 260 8.30% NW 11 85 517 7 217 8 940 37 984 7.00% NC 79 080 9 50 787 6 587 4 787 14 513 2.70% WC 92 12 093 12 021 29 573 8.60% 326 100% % total 18.55% 0.00% 6.69% 0.68% 0.76% 3.00% 70.32%
Implementation of the Social Assistance Programme
Objective Provide Social Relief of Distress to families experiencing hardship and thus require immediate interventions. Planned Targets SRD applications will be processed per annum over the next three years. Achieved SRD applications were awarded against the annual target of 160 000, which represents 121% over achievement. Cash – Food parcels – Vouchers – Other – Total Expenditure stands at R461million. Additional budget was allocated to this programme due to increased demand emanating from disasters, increase in numbers of children with malnutrition and others forms of distress
Implementation of the Social Assistance Programme
Objective Reduction of inclusion and exclusion errors in the social assistance programme Planned Activities To reach 70% of the children age between 0-1 who are eligible fro CSG. Achieved Total number of childrens’ grants (0-1) in payment was This represents 51% of the children in this age category. There was an increase of from the 2013/14 financial year as a result of the ICROP programme. The breakdown of children’s grants in payment for are: CSG 596,920; CDG 324; FCG 215.
Service Delivery Improvement
Objective Improving conditions under which beneficiaries are served Annual Targets Progressively reducing the turnaround time for processing grants to an average of 10 days by 2016 Achieved Turnaround time for processing of grants applications is on average 21 days. 99.68% ( out ) applications were processed within 21 days. A significant number of this applications were processed within 1 day. 0.32% of the applications were processed after 21 days (mainly disability grants).
Improvement of Service Delivery
Objective Taking service delivery to the people Planned Target ICROP/ Mikondzo: Target was to conduct 420 outreach programmes inclusive of Mikondzo Achieved 714 outreach programmes inclusive of Mikondzo were conducted and services were provided. This represents a 70% over achievement against the annual target as SASSA was targeting exclusion per UNICEF Report.
Payment System Objective Improvement in the Payment of Social Grants
Planned Targets Implementation of the Payment Tender Achieved The payment tender was processed in line with the Constitutional Court ruling. There were further court challenges during the implementation process, which led to an amendment of the revised RFP and extension of the bid deadline.
Payment System Objective Improvement in the Payment of Social Grants
Planned Targets Planning for SASSA is to take total responsibility for the payment of social grants in 2017/19. Achieved Ministerial Advisory Committee report recommended the insourcing of the payment system in SASSA. Feasibility report on the technology solutions required for insourcing has been completed. Situation analysis of the payment process focusing on broader SASSA CPS arrangement and the extent to which it fits in the SA payments sector. Workstreams have been proposed to facilitate implementation of the recommendations by the Advisory Committee.
Improved Administration: Automation
Planned Targets Improvement of ICT Infrastructure Achieved 98% of local offices are equipped with computers, printers and network connectivity to speed up processing of social grants. A strategic Architecture and ICT 5 year road map was developed. The road-map provides an integrated secure end-to-end solution, enable automation of business services and provide optimal on-going support to the organisation. The SOCPEN system was continuously enhanced to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the administration of social assistance. A Business Intelligence solution was procured to enhance the management of information and reporting within SASSA. During the period under review SASSA has initiated the process for the automation of its records management.
Improved Fraud management
Planned Targets 60% of reported fraud and corruption cases investigated Achieved Out of reported fraud and corruption cases received, were investigated which represents 72% achievement against the annual target of 60%. The focal areas were grant administration, information and communication technology and supply chain management. A total of 266 officials were suspended and 53 dismissed as at 31 March 2015.
Improved Fraud management (cont…)
Planned Targets 60% of reported fraud and corruption cases investigated Achieved Law enforcement agencies referrals and arrests 11 cases were referred to Law Enforcement Agencies and 5 officials were convicted 94 money-lending cases were reported, implicating 64 suspects who were in possession of 350 SASSA cards and R in cash. 16 private persons including three CPS officials with 280 SASSA cards were apprehended. A speed-point machine and a laptop (linked to 2 separate robbery incidents at the SASSA offices in KZN) were recovered. 13 private persons turned state witness. Convictions 2 CPS officials were sentenced to 15 years each, 1 out fined R (R paid and R6 000 suspended for 5 years), while 1 CPS official is still on trial. 3 SASSA officials were arrested and dismissed, their case is still under investigation for having created 55 ghost beneficiaries, amounting to R
Implementation of the Legal Services Model
A total of 143 litigation cases handled. These include grant related litigation, labour disputes, contractual claims, motor vehicle accidents and procurement related matters OFFICE 2013/2014 2014/2015 Total Difference Number R Value SASSA: HO 1 10 9 Eastern Cape 43 57 14 Free State -1 Gauteng KwaZulu-Natal 12 72 60 Limpopo 0.00 Mpumalanga 2 Northern Cape North West -2 Western Cape Total 62 143 81
Improved Human Resources Management
Objective Effective Human Resource Management Planned Targets Reduction of funded vacant posts Achieved A total of posts were filled as at the end of the period under review. 1 953 Appointments 315 new appointments 471 contract appointments 1 055 EPWP workers and 112 interns were appointed Of these appointments 356 were internal promotions 1.1% (117 out of a target of 215) people with disabilities are employed within the agency
Human Resource Management
SASSA further experienced the following challenges affecting key positions during the period under review: The Regional Executive Manager of the Northern Cape region retired in March 2015. The Regional Executive Manager of Limpopo was transferred to the Gauteng region in April This was necessary to ensure the stability of the Gauteng region as it is one of SASSA’s biggest regions. At the end of the financial year, the Agency was in the process of filling the following key positions: The CFO, CIO , and REM (LP and NC) As at 01 April 2015 the agency had 650 vacant funded posts with an estimated salary bill of R 213 million.
Improved Human Resources Management
Objective Effective Human Resource Management Planned Targets 100 % labour relations cases initiated within prescribed times Achieved A total of 445 labour relations cases were initiated within prescribed times Outcomes: 195 verbal warning 100 written warning 90 final written warning 60 Dismissals
Improved Financial Management
Objective Effective Financial Management Planned Targets 100% of suppliers paid within 30 days 50% Reduction in irregular expenditure Achieved 82 % (5 137 out of 6 216) suppliers were paid within 30 days 42% reduction in irregular expenditure
Improved Financial Management
Objective Effective Financial Management Planned Targets 10 % of social assistance debts recovered Achieved 12.65 (R32.5m out of R257m) of social assistance debt recovered and/or written off. R26m write off R5.7m debt recovery 11% (R ) of ex-staff debt was recovered out of a target of 50% (R1.1 m).
2014/15 Audited financial outcomes
FINANCIAL INFORMATION 2014/15 Audited financial outcomes
Expenditure per economic classification
Notes to the level of spending
Compensation of employees A number of vacant funded posts were not filled at financial year-end that resulted in 4% underspending that included time delayed savings in filling of posts. These include senior management posts such as the posts of Chief Financial Officer, Chief Information Officer, Regional Executive Manager: Limpopo and NC etc. Some of the posts were at various stages of the recruitment process. As at 01 April 2015 the agency had 650 vacant funded posts with an estimated salary bill of R 213 million. Goods and services: The under spending was mainly on: Communication due to the telephone management system efficiencies Cash handling fees due to the reduced cost of disbursing grant monies Leases due to offices that were in the process of being occupied Travel and subsistence due to spin-offs from cost containment measures
Auditor-General Report and Comments
Auditor General Report and Comments
AGSA’s opinion – Unqualified Audit. The AG found that: SASSA’s financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Agency as at 31 March 2015 except for few adjusted misstatements SASSA’s financial performance and cash flows for the year were in accordance with SA Standards of GRAP, PFMA and SASSA Act requirements Predetermined objectives Reliability of information: The has been significant improvement on the report on predetermined objectives concerning the usefulness and reliability of the information.
Other audit matters Misstatements in terms of operating leases commitments disclosed Shortcomings identified with the reimbursement of costs (R316 million) incurred towards Cash Paymaster Services in respect of additional resources procured for the re-registration project. Poor turnaround time to finalize financial or possible financial misconduct cases
Challenges Challenges Mitigation Unauthorised Deductions
Short term: Beneficiary Support Plan & Dispute Resolution Mechanism Long Term: New Tender prohibits any form of deduction other than Regulation 26 (A) Impact of Load Shedding on connectivity of Systems All SASSA offices have been instructed to purchase generators SRD – high demand resulting in high budget pressures Short term reduced the value of the SRD; utilising savings from other low spending grants Long term Motivated for additional allocation Ongoing court challenge – Payment Tender The process will be finalised by the 15 October 2015
Recommendations It is recommended that the Portfolio Committee on Social Development note and support SASSA 2014/15 Annual Performance Report; SASSA financial statements for 2014/15; and Challenges and the mitigation strategies that the Agency is implementing .
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