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Welcome AGENDA Annual Parish Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome AGENDA Annual Parish Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome AGENDA Annual Parish Meeting
HURSTPIERPOINT & SAYERS COMMON PARISH COUNCIL Annual Parish Meeting 7.30 pm Tuesday 22 May 2018 AGENDA Introduction by the Chairman Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 23 May 2017 Annual Report of the Council (Stephen Hand - Chairman of Council) Financial Report of the Council (Stephen Hoyles - Clerk to the Council) Hurst Meadows District Plan Court Bushes Open forum for the public   Closing remarks by the Chairman Welcome

2 Introduction by the Chairman Stephen Hand
HURSTPIERPOINT & SAYERS COMMON PARISH COUNCIL Annual Parish Meeting Introduction by the Chairman Stephen Hand

3 2. Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting
HURSTPIERPOINT & SAYERS COMMON PARISH COUNCIL Annual Parish Meeting 2. Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 23 May 2017

4 3. Annual Report of the Council
HURSTPIERPOINT & SAYERS COMMON PARISH COUNCIL Annual Parish Meeting 3. Annual Report of the Council The last year has seen a number of our projects completed Replacing all of the 137 street lights that we own with more energy efficient ones, Establishing the ‘Hurst Meadows’ parkland areas as a valuable parish amenity And a number are ongoing including Working with WSCC to manage traffic speeds and parking in Cuckfield Road, Working with Local Planning Authority to extend the existing Conservation Areas

5 Financial Report of the Council
HURSTPIERPOINT & SAYERS COMMON PARISH COUNCIL Annual Parish Meeting Financial Report of the Council (Stephen Hoyles - The Clerk to the Council)

6 Audited Accounts for the Year to 31 March 2017 Income:
HURSTPIERPOINT & SAYERS COMMON PARISH COUNCIL Audited Accounts for the Year to 31 March 2017 Income: Council Tax £ 184,191 South Avenue Play Area £ 99,943 Streetlight loan £164,942 Other £ 45,036 TOTAL £ 494,112 Expenditure: Streetlights £ 92,590 South Avenue Play Area £ 102,692 Other £ 225,937 TOTAL £ 421,219 Surplus £ 72,893 Funds: held at 31 March 2017 £ 168,834

7 Provisional Accounts for the Year to 31 March 2018 ACTUAL BUDGET 2017
HURSTPIERPOINT & SAYERS COMMON PARISH COUNCIL Provisional Accounts for the Year to 31 March 2018 ACTUAL BUDGET 2017 Income: Council Tax £ 193,736 £ 193,736 £184,191 Other £ 57,157 £ 50,475 £ 45,036 Hurst Meadows (S106) £ 187,101 £ 251,000 £ 99,943 New loan (Streetlights) £ 0 £ 0 £ 164,942 TOTAL £ 437,994 £ 495,211 £ 494,112 Expenditure: Revenue £ 247,173 £ 235,484 £ 208,965 Capital projects £ 64,744 £ 86,400 £ 212,254 Investment (CCLA) £ 55,000 £ 0 £ 0 TOTAL £ 366,917 £ 321,884 £ 421,219 Surplus (Deficit): £ 71,078 £ 173,327 £ 72,893 Funds: held at 31 March £ 239,912 £ 342,161 £168,834

BUDGET for the Year to 31 March (2018 actuals in brackets) Income: Council Tax £ 201, (£193,736) Tax Base grant (MSDC) £ (£ 0) Other £ 46, (£ 57,157 ) S106 funds £ 83, (£ 187,101) TOTAL £ 331, (£ 437,994 ) Expenditure: ITEMS: Revenue £ 246, (£ 247,173 ) Operations, maintenance Capital projects £ 117, (£ 64,744 ) Parkland, new streetlights Investment (CCLA) £ (£ 55,000) TOTAL £ 363, (£ 366,917) Surplus: £ 32, £ 71,078 Funds: 31 March £ 207, £ 239,912

development College Lane Trinity Road Millennium Garden Highfield Drive St Georges Lane

10 50 acres Meadow Ancient woodland PARKLAND

11 Preparatory works completed Further planting - late 2018 Apple orchard
HURSTPIERPOINT & SAYERS COMMON PARISH COUNCIL PARKLAND Advisory Board Preparatory works completed Further planting - late 2018 Apple orchard

12 6. District Plan District Plan adopted March 2018
HURSTPIERPOINT & SAYERS COMMON PARISH COUNCIL 6. District Plan District Plan adopted March 2018 Neighbourhood Plan still in force Recent applications: Hurst Wickham Barn, College Lane 10 houses – refused Reeds Lane, Sayers Common 28 houses – refused Pakyns Garden, Albourne Road 12 houses - refused BUT – across District after 2024, increase in housebuilding rates – a further 2500 houses in period MSDC are currently assessing all potential sites, including in our Parish We will continue to argue to: Protect our countryside and local gaps between villages Retain the character of our villages Push for improved infrastructure

13 7. Court Bushes Community Hub
HURSTPIERPOINT & SAYERS COMMON PARISH COUNCIL 7. Court Bushes Community Hub Former Ex-servicmens’ Club Owned by MSDC We are now working with MSDC Multi-use space for use by local people Community café Youth group Help-point Food bank Pre-school or toddler groups

14 Court Bushes Community Hub
HURSTPIERPOINT & SAYERS COMMON PARISH COUNCIL Court Bushes Community Hub Refurbish the building after fire damage Parish Council will run the Hub and work with local groups to deliver activities West Sussex County Council (youth worker) Point Church Clarion Housing Food Bank Aiming for opening end 2018, early 2019

15 Time for your questions?
HURSTPIERPOINT & SAYERS COMMON PARISH COUNCIL Annual Parish Meeting 8. Open forum for the public Time for your questions?

16 9. Closing remarks by the Chairman
HURSTPIERPOINT & SAYERS COMMON PARISH COUNCIL Annual Parish Meeting 9. Closing remarks by the Chairman

17 Thank you for coming Annual Parish Meeting 2018
HURSTPIERPOINT & SAYERS COMMON PARISH COUNCIL Annual Parish Meeting 2018 Thank you for coming

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