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2 The Parts of the Cell

3 Organelles --Structure within a cell that performs a certain function

4 Organelles Found in Both Animal and Plant Cells

5 1. The Nucleus --Controls the cell --Surrounded by a nuclear envelope/membrane

6 1. The Nucleus --Controls the cell --Surrounded by a nuclear envelope/membrane 2. The Nucleolus --Site where DNA is concentrated

7 Figure 4.8a

8 3. Endoplasmic Reticulum
Intracellular pathway moving molecules from one side of cell to the other.

9 3. Endoplasmic Reticulum
Has two parts Moves supplies around cell

10 3. Endoplasmic Reticulum
Has two parts Moves supplies around cell Rough ER Interconnected flattened sacs Makes phospholipids and proteins Studded with ribosomes Many in protein producing cells (digestive gland)

11 3. Endoplasmic Reticulum
Has two parts Moves supplies around cell Rough ER Interconnected flattened sacs Makes phospholipids and proteins Studded with ribosomes Many in protein producing cells (digestive gland) Smooth ER Lacks ribosomes Builds lipids (hormones) Regulates calcium

12 Figure 4.10a Figure 4.10

13 4. Golgi Apparatus --flattened stacks of membranes

14 4. Golgi Apparatus --flattened stacks of membranes --Sorts, packages, labels, and modifies proteins and lipids from ER --releases molecules in vesicles

15 5. Cytoskeleton Has many structures Network of tubes and filaments

16 5. Cytoskeleton Has many structures Network of tubes and filaments
Gives the cell structure and support Ex: Cilia and Flagella (aid in movement)

17 6. Ribosomes --Located on the rough ER and cytoplasm

18 6. Ribosomes --Located on the rough ER and cytoplasm --Site of protein synthesis --Ribosomes are made by the nucleolus

19 7. Peroxisomes 8. Vacuole -- break down alcohol
--neutralize free radicals 8. Vacuole  -- mainly storage (water and sugar)

20 9. Mitochondria converts sugar into cellular energy (ATP)
Contains its own DNA --support for Endosymbiosis Theory --singular is "mitochondrion” --”power house” of the cell

21 Figure 4.17 Figure 4.17

22 Organelles Found ONLY in Plant Cells

23 10. Chloroplast --Converts light energy to carbohydrates --Has stacks of thylakoids --has its own DNA

24 11. Central Vacuole --stores water, waste products, and nutrients
--maintains hydrostatic pressure

25 12. Cell Wall Lies outside the plasma membrane Contains cellulose Gives structure and support

26 Organelles Found ONLY in Animal Cells

27 13. Centrioles Aid in cellular division

28 --recycle old cell parts and kills bacteria
14. Lysosomes --vesicles used to digest --recycle old cell parts and kills bacteria --contain degrading enzymes (to "lyse" means to dissolve)  TAY-SACHS disease – missing an enzyme of the lysosomes that breaks down a fatty substance.  Over time this fat builds up in the brain and nervous tissue, smothering the cells.  Results in degeneration and death.

29 Random Cell Images

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