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Presentation on theme: "WORKING GROUP on IMPLEMENTATION"— Presentation transcript:

contributions from ETC/ACC Frank de Leeuw

2 WG Implemantation support harmionised implementation of FWD, its DD and NECD by Member States. Identify existing problems develop guidance streanline/harmonise reporting representatives of MS, stakeholders and EEA 6/ contr to WG Impl

3 Activities so far: Action plans during alert situations
zones for protection of ecosystems and vegetation AQ assessment around point sources recommendations P&Ps (art 8.3; 8.4, annex IV of FWD) 6/ contr to WG Impl

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5 Review of first DD Commission service report (March 2004)
based on WG Impl report informal questionnaire om implementation Position paper PM10 summary report on 1DD Q2001/2002 results from contract on the use of AQ models JRC ERLAP views on AQ monitoring (AQUILA) 6/ contr to WG Impl

6 Discussion items on review of 1DD
Zones limit values derogations measuring strategy measuring methods modelling measures 6/ contr to WG Impl

7 Changing networks? Hypotheses:
There is a shift towards more urban stations!! The FWD has resulted in a more uniform monitoring strategy in EU Member States 6/ contr to WG Impl

8 Classification of stations
6/ contr to WG Impl

9 Proxy variables 6/ contr to WG Impl

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16 Conclusions Increasing number of stations but no change in fractions
large differences in monitoring strategy; FWD did not result (yet?) in more uniformity DD monitoring requirements not in all MS realised ? 6/ contr to WG Impl


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