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Note taking.

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Presentation on theme: "Note taking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Note taking

2 Don’t try and write everything down Don’t Plagiarize!
The Do nots Don’t try and write everything down Don’t Plagiarize! Listen to what the teacher says first and then write down the notes Don’t type your notes, handwrite them

3 The before, During, and after
Make sure that if the teacher has assigned reading, that you have read it before class Review your notes from the day before This makes it easier to identify the key ideas During If you can pick your seat, sit close Listen for cues Repetition and changes in voice Paraphrase what you hear Use short hand Abbreviations and symbols

4 Continuing the before, during and after
Review notes within 24 hours

5 Tips! Jot information down Bullets, Lists Web Not complete sentences
Key words and important info only Don’t plagiarize Don’t copy word for word Summarize, Paraphrase Quote Use abbreviations or symbols Organize your note Make your notes useful to you Tips!

6 Tips Figure out your method of note taking Cornell Outlining Mapping
Charting Keep your structure Don’t switch from one way to another Highlight and comment later Do this when you review your notes Look up what you don’t get Check the blog Ask a classmate Tips

7 Tips Title of the notes goes at the top of the page
Don’t worry about making your notes pretty during the lecture You can rewrite them later! Use arrows to connect ideas Star important information

8 Trash notes Unimportant words Pronouns Articles A, An, The
Trash words we can throw away The, To They, A Is, she, he It, Etc. Trash notes

9 Treasure Notes Important words Nouns Verbs Adjectives

10 Some abbreviations

11 More Abbreviations

12 Symbols

13 Different ways to take notes
Cornell Drawings Webs Lists Boxes and Bullets


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