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Science Fair.

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1 Science Fair

2 Science Fair You may work with a partner.
This week (March 28th – 31st): Choose partners and questions Background Information (English/ICT) Hypothesis/Supplies/Procedure Spring Break and beyond (April 1st – 23rd ): Collect your data. Bring packet back to school! Analysis/Conclusion Make Poster and plan for presentation!

3 Projects are due April 24th!
Be prepared to make a short presentation to the class telling us about your experiment. You may create a PowerPoint or a poster (not both!)

4 Choosing a Question The question must be something you can test by collecting data! You and your partner will choose from my list of questions. Choose partners (or work alone) Write names of a slip of paper Decide on your top 3-5 choices I will draw slips to see who chooses first.

5 Examples of Questions What kind of container protects an egg best when dropped?

6 Examples of Questions What temperature does mold or bacteria grow best at?

7 Examples of Questions What surfaces have the most mold or bacteria growing on them?

8 Examples of Questions At what temperature does ice melt the fastest?

9 Examples of Questions Can a plant survive on orange juice rather than water?

10 Examples of Questions How well do different sanitizers work on killing germs?

11 Examples of Questions How does the density of an object affect its ability to sink or float?

12 Examples of Questions What conditions make mentos and soda fizz the highest?

13 Examples of Questions How does the amount of baking soda added to vinegar affect the reaction?

14 Examples of Questions How does the mass of a model car affect the speed that it will roll down a ramp?

15 Examples of Questions What kind of materials keep liquids hot for the longest time?

16 Examples of Questions Which type of paper airplane will fly the furthest?

17 Examples of Questions Does music affect a persons’ ability to focus on a task (such as completing a puzzle?

18 Examples of Questions Does the size or mass of an object affect the distance you can throw it?

19 Examples of Questions Does the material used to make a sling shot affect the distance it can hurl an object?

20 Examples of Questions How do low light conditions affect a persons ability to see color?

21 Examples of Questions Can people identify the taste of food when they cannot smell the food?

22 Examples of Questions What brand of diaper absorbs the most liquid?

23 Examples of Questions How do light conditions affect a plants ability to grow?

24 Examples of Questions Which brand of cereal has the most iron?

25 Examples of Questions What bridge design can carry the heaviest loads?

26 Examples of Questions Which brand of battery lasts the longest?

27 Examples of Questions How does brushing your teeth/eating a mint affect the amount of germs in your mouth?

28 Examples of Questions How is the boiling point of water affected by adding sugar or salt to the water?

29 Examples of Questions Which materials work best to conduct electricity?

30 Examples of Questions What amount of sugar makes yeast produce the most carbon dioxide?

31 Question Hypothesis Can a plant grow without any light?
If I plant a seed and give it no light Then it will not grow Because plants need sunlight for photosynthesis.

32 Variables The independent variable is the one that is changed by the scientist. The scientist observes the dependent variable to see how it responds to the change made to the independent variable. The dependent variable depends on the independent variable. Controlled variables are quantities that a scientist wants to remain constant

33 Background Information
5-10 sentences IN YOUR OWN WORDS Include RELEVANT information about your topic. IF your question is “Can a plant grow without light?” you might include information on how photosynthesis works, what plants need to survive, etc.

34 Supplies and Procedure:
Clear plastic cups, soil, water, seeds for planting. Procedure: Place soil in two plastic cups. Plant a pumpkin seed 1 cm deep in each cup. Add 100 ml of water to each cup. Place one cup in the dark, and one cup in the window. And so on….

35 Data Table and Graph Day Plant in Dark (cm) Plant in Light 1 2 3 0.5 4
2 3 0.5 4 1.0 5 1.5 Data Table and Graph


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