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February 28-March STRATEGIES

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Presentation on theme: "February 28-March STRATEGIES"— Presentation transcript:

1 February 28-March STRATEGIES I am only looking for strategies on this one! **SATURDAY TUTORING: Analysis of Informational Text

2 Objectives You will finish reading/ listening to “Julius Caesar” Act 1 Scene II, watch a visual interpretation, and then create a 3-5 sentence summary of events in your own words with a visual You will take notes on the tragic hero and famous quotes by utilizing text evidence and advanced commentary

3 Grab your spiral from the box Open to your response journal
Pre-SSR Grab your spiral from the box Open to your response journal

4 SSR Rubric

5 Response Journal Entry
Does doing homework help you perform better on tests? Does homework seem purposeful to you, or is it basically a waste of time? Answer in a paragraph and support your opinion with at least three points. Homework (is/is not) a waste of time because____________________, ________________________, and _____________________. *speaking of homework—make sure you put yours in the turn-in box*

6 Julius Caesar Tragic Hero
Fill out part 1 of the chart together

7 Visual

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