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Polski Klub Ekologiczny Polish Ecological Club

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Presentation on theme: "Polski Klub Ekologiczny Polish Ecological Club"— Presentation transcript:

1 Polski Klub Ekologiczny Polish Ecological Club

2 The Polish Ecological Club (PKE) was founded in Cracow in 1980 as an independent environmental organization.

3 PKE is a membership organization
PKE is a membership organization. As a politically independent institution, it willingly takes difficult subjects.

4 In the initial period of the PKE actions were directed to break the barrier of silence around environmental threats, threats to health and national culture.

5 A lot of effort was devoted to issues related to nuclear power, the problems of cross-border pollution, protection of national parks and protected areas, conducting various programs.

6 Our goal is to pursue the idea of sustainable development, systematic improvement of the natural environment and the development of environmental education.

7 The Polish Ecological Club is a member of the following international organisations: Friends of the Earth - International, International Union for Conservation of Nature, Environment Liaison Centre International.

8 Currently the Polish Ecological Club, together with Oikos - Organic Norway, implementing the project social monitoring of the implementation of the Baltic Sea Action Plan.

9 Thank you for attention.

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