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Presentation on theme: "Typography."— Presentation transcript:

1 Typography

2 What is typography? Typography is the design and use of typefaces as a means of communication. Good use of typography helps to visually communicate a message about the content to the viewer.

3 Typefaces and Fonts A typeface is a particular style of text .
We often say “font” when we mean “typeface”. A font is really a particular size, weight and style of a typeface. Helvetica is a typeface. Helvetica Bold Italic, size 12 is a font.

4 Anatomy of type

5 Your goal for using typography effectively is:
Readers should notice words first, not the way the letters look. For TITLES and LOGOS, the way the letters look, ideally, should communicate something about the message

6 Verdana 72-point Type size Type is measured in points.
A point is 1/72 of an inch.

7 T T Serifs Times New Roman is a serif font.
Serifs are small lines attached to the ends of strokes in a letter or symbol. They can make body text more readable. If a font has serifs, it is called a serif font; if it does not, it is a sans serif font. Times New Roman is a serif font. Arial is a sans serif font. serif serif T

8 This is bold italic Open Sans.
Font styles This is bold Open Sans. This is italic Open Sans. This is bold italic Open Sans. Other typefaces may have other styles (such as heavy, black, semibold, light or oblique) I

9 Alignment This is left alignment. Look at how the beginning of each line is lined up on the left side while the ends are not aligned. This is centre alignment. Look at how the text is centred in the text box and the ends of the lines are not aligned. This is justified alignment. Look at how the end and beginning of each line are aligned while the spacing between words varies to accommodate this. This is right alignment. Look at how the end of each line is lined up on the right side while the beginnings are not aligned.

10 Types of type


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