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Biological Bases of Behavior Make 4 Column's Titled: Structure, Location, Function, Damage 8-10% of the AP Exam An intro to the relationship between physiological.

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Presentation on theme: "Biological Bases of Behavior Make 4 Column's Titled: Structure, Location, Function, Damage 8-10% of the AP Exam An intro to the relationship between physiological."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biological Bases of Behavior Make 4 Column's Titled: Structure, Location, Function, Damage
8-10% of the AP Exam An intro to the relationship between physiological processes and behavior

2 The Brain Is there anything you do in a 24 hour period, which is not related to operations in your brain? Pinky and The Brain Parts of the brain: Crash Course

3 Key Structures of the Brain Make 4 Column's Titled: Structure, Location, Function, Damage
Wernicke’s Area Temporal/parietal lobe (left side) Center for understanding language Damage = may result in losing ability to understand speech or parts of it. Ex: may be able to understand nouns and verbs, but not prepositions. Broca’s Area Frontal lobe (left side) Center for expressing language Damage = loss of speech or inability to say what is intended

4 Key Structures, con’t Thalamus Cerebellum Forebrain
Sends sensory and motor messages to other parts of brain Damage = may result in sensory experiences not being sent to other areas of brain to be recorded as memories Cerebellum Hindbrain Controls walking, balance, coordination Damage = ability to walk smoothly or coordinate sight with action

5 Key Structures, con’t Auditory Cortex Primary visual cortex
Temporal lobe Center for hearing Damage = sensations from ear recv’d by brain but may not be interpreted “perceptive deafness” Primary visual cortex Occipital lobe Reconstruct visual images Damage = signals sent from eye may not be coded into recognizable images

6 Key Structures, con’t Hypothalamus Pituitary gland
Between thalamus and pituitary gland Regulates emotions, hunger & thirst Damage = may result in eating disorders (either over-eating or under-eating) Pituitary gland Beneath hypothalamus Controls body’s endocrine system Damage = may affect growth, metabolism and sex drive

7 Key Structures, Con’t Pons “The Bridge” Brain Stem
Connects upper and lower parts of the brain. Relays messages from the cortex and the cerebellum. Also plays key role in sleeping & dreaming damage = messages would not be able to be transmitted

8 Key Structures, con’t Cerebral Cortex Medulla Forebrain
Center for info processing, rational thought, decision making Damage = reasoning abilities may be altered = may react more emotionally Medulla Hindbrain Regulates vital involuntary functions like breathing & blood flow Damage = severe damage could result in death

9 About The Brain Videos/Resources
Video (19 min) Psych Files: Parts of the Brain Intro to Biopsychology (15 min) = Allan Jones TED Resource: Genes To Cognition 3 D Brain Resource: The Brain: Understanding Neurobiology

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