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CONCLUSIONS These preliminary investigations suggest that the Freeman Trap proved to be a more efficient trap based upon the number of beetles removed.

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Presentation on theme: "CONCLUSIONS These preliminary investigations suggest that the Freeman Trap proved to be a more efficient trap based upon the number of beetles removed."— Presentation transcript:

1 CONCLUSIONS These preliminary investigations suggest that the Freeman Trap proved to be a more efficient trap based upon the number of beetles removed from colonies. Surprisingly, there were no significant difference (P=.06) in the “Shakeout Count” of beetles remaining in colonies surviving the investigations . However, the results indicate that the colonies having traps may have provided “trapping sinks” in test apiaries thereby reducing the overall beetle numbers in the test colonies, including those colonies not having traps. Additional trapping tests are scheduled for 2010. Slide # Go to the Clemson University page to see the full summary.

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