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An X-ray hysteresis cycle in ESO 511-G030

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1 An X-ray hysteresis cycle in ESO 511-G030
An X-ray hysteresis cycle in ESO 511-G030? Pablo Cassatella Supervisor: M. Guainazzi ESAC, 8th September 2008

2 Outline Introduction to our object and properties
Seyfert type 1 X-ray spectra Data analysis Comparison with a light bending model

3 Who is ESO511-G030? Nearby Seyfert 1 galaxy 97.5 Mpc away from XMM-Newton (z=0.0224) Seyfert galaxies belong to the class of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) and show a high emission coming from the central region, due to the presence of an accreting super massive black hole (see next slides and Nuria’s talk) XMM-Newton observation of approximately 100 ks performed on 5th August 2007 in the framework of the FERO project Aladin RGB composite image

4 ESO511-G030 remarkable properties
Particular hysteresis cycle in the countrate-hardness ratio space About 30% increase in Hardness Ratio F( keV)/F( keV) in 100 ks Variability studies allow us to constrain timescales and distances in the system to understand better the structure of Seyferts and processes acting therein

5 X-ray spectra of Seyferts
Risaliti & Elvis (2004) Optical/UV emission from disc is scattered by a corona of high-energy electrons near the centre of the system, shaping a powerlaw Primary continuum can then illuminate the disc thus producing a reflection component Also the torus made of neutral gas can be illuminated and produce a second reflection and a narrow Fe Kα emission line

6 Our fit: phabs×(powerlaw+pexrav+zgauss+kdblurreflion)
OVII triplet

7 Comparison with light bending model
Miniutti & Fabian (2004) Miniutti & Fabian (2004) propose a model in which the connection between primary emission and disc reflection fluxes can be explained assuming a change in height of the primary X-ray emission source over the disc, thus modifying the geodesics photons follow: Higher height  less photons will be captured by the BH  lower powerlaw observed flux Lower height  more photons will follow blackhole-influenced metrics geodesics  accretion disc gets more illuminated and the observed powerlaw flux is lower

8 Thank you.

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