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Introduction to Dynamical Systems

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1 Introduction to Dynamical Systems
Eric Sobie Pharmacology and Systems Therapeutics Mount Sinai School of Medicine 1

2 Outline Modeling using ODEs Analyzing stability of ODE systems
Law of mass action Converting from a diagram to a system of equations Euler’s method to integrate systems of ODEs Analyzing stability of ODE systems One-dimensional examples Phase-plane techniques for two-dimensional systems Example: yeast glycolytic oscillations Nullclines, stable and unstable fixed points Bifurcations: abrupt changes in system behavior Workshop/Homework assignment Implementation and analysis of two-variable ODE model 2

3 Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations
Consider ligand binding to a receptor In the steady-state, bound receptor can be calculated as: [L] = free ligand [R] = free receptor [R]TOT = total receptor [LR] = ligand-receptor complex [LR] (nM) RTOT = 20 nM [L] varies from 0 to 200 µM KD can be 10, 30, 50, 70, 90 µM [L] (µM) What about non-steady-state solutions? 3

4 Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations
Ligand binding to a receptor More generally, this reaction implies the following set of equations Where do these equations come from? 4

5 Law of mass action Forward rate (concentration/time) = Forward rate =
The rate of an elementary reaction (a reaction that proceeds through only one transition state, that is one mechanistic step) is proportional to the product of the concentrations of the participating molecules. (source: Wikipedia) Forward rate (concentration/time) = Forward rate = [A], [B], [C] = generic chemical species Here, rate constants and have different units! 5

6 Enzyme-catalyzed reactions
Frequently shorthand is used [Substrate] [Product] [S] = free substrate [E] = free enzyme [E]TOT = total enzyme [P] = product [Enzyme] Michaelis-Menten kinetics are usually assumed The equations in this case are as follows: In chemical reality, this actually involves additional steps Next we will discuss the assumptions underlying this representation 6

7 This scheme implies the following equations:
Enzyme Kinetics This scheme implies the following equations: Units: [E],[S],[ES],[P] (M) k1, k-2 (M-1 s-1) k-1, k2 (s-1) 7

8 Enzyme kinetics Note: This is not the same as assuming k-2 = 0
Four simplifications are made to derive the MM equations These require three important assumptions 1) Examine initial rate of production only If [P] = 0, then several terms drop out: Note: This is not the same as assuming k-2 = 0 8

9 Enzyme kinetics 2) [S] is large compared with [E]
Thus, [S] >> [ES], and we can assume d[S]/dt = 0 3) Notice that d[E]/dt = -d[ES]/dt This is equivalent to saying: Remember that enzyme is neither produced nor consumed. Note: This is not an assumption, this is a mathematical and physical fact (conservation of mass). 9

10 Because of (3), we can substitute:
Enzyme kinetics Because of (3), we can substitute: 4) Steady-state assumption, d[ES]/dt = 0 10

11 Enzyme kinetics Now we have to solve for steady-state value of [ES].
This will let us calculate V0 = d[P]/dt = k2[ES] Factor out [ES] Divide top and bottom by k1 Note: The above is merely algebra 11

12 Enzyme kinetics Now we have our steady-state value of [ES] Define:
Then we obtain the famous Michaelis-Menten equation: 12

13 More complicated biochemical reactions
Example: a generic three component repressive network this can display oscillations, depending on parameter values Proteins A, B and C can be phosphorylated (X-p) or dephosphorylated (X) A catalyzes dephosphorylation of B B catalyzes dephosphorylation of C C catalyzes phosphorylation of A Mogilner et al., Developmental Cell 11:279–287, 2006 Note: This scheme is a simplified version of an oscillatory biochemical circuit in soil bacteria (see Igoshin et al., PNAS 101:15760–15765, 2004) 13

14 More complicated biochemical reactions
Example: a generic three-component repressive network Equations just for [A] and [AP] Notice that: Same as: [A] + [AP] = [A]T Mogilner et al., Developmental Cell 11:279–287, 2006 One equation can be eliminated 14

15 More complicated biochemical reactions
The full set of equations underlying this scheme Mogilner et al., Developmental Cell 11:279–287, 2006 15

16 More complicated biochemical reactions
Sometimes the shorthand is even more extreme What this really means is: [Raf] [MEK] [MEK-PP] [ERK] [ERK-PP] Equations can be derived from this scheme, not from scheme on the left [Raf], [MEK], [ERK] = proteins involved in mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling [-PP] = doubly phosphorylated form Diagram from the RIKEN BioResource Center: 16

17 More complicated biochemical reactions
Occasionally the diagrams do not permit model-building Kamrava et al., Oncogene 24: , 2005 No mechanism from receptor to [Ca2+] Leaves out the MAPKKK, MAPK steps Diagrams can frequently, but not always, be converted into ODEs 17

18 Solving ordinary differential equations
Euler's method So, we start with x(0), which is known Leonhard Euler ( ) Now x(Δt) is known etc. 18

19 We can write simple MATLAB code to solve this numerically
Euler's method example Assume a=20, b=2, c=5 We can write simple MATLAB code to solve this numerically a = 20 ; b = 2 ; c = 5 ; dt = 0.05 ; tlast = 2 ; iterations = round(tlast/dt) ; xall = zeros(iterations,1) ; x = c ; for i = 1:iterations xall(i) = x ; dxdt = a - b*x ; x = x + dxdt*dt ; end % of this time step time = dt*(0:iterations-1)' ; figure plot(time,xall) 19

20 What does this code actually do?
Euler's method example What does this code actually do? a=20; b=2; x0=5 5 6 7 8 9 x = 5 dx/dt = 20 – 2*5 = 10 x = *0.05 = 5.5 dx/dt = 20 – 2*5.5 = 9 x = *0.05 = 5.95 etc. 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 1 20

21 Euler's method example a=20; b=2; c=5 This simple differential equation has an analytical solution For small values of Δt, the numerical solution is accurate 21

22 Notes on Euler's method Extending this to systems of ODEs is straightforward Solutions can become highly unstable if Δt is too large In MATLAB implementations, one of two things commonly happen: variables achieve values such as 4.3 x 1078 2) Strictly non-negative variables (concentrations) become negative In the 227 years since Euler's death, applied mathematicians have devised more stable and accurate methods. These are the algorithms implemented by MATLAB's built in solvers (e.g. ode23). 22

23 Other numerical methods for ODE systems
Euler died more than 200 years ago – since then, improvements to his algorithm have been made Runge-Kutta method Also compute dx/dt between t0 and t1; use a weighted average Variable time-step methods Small Δt required Big Δt okay These algorithms are available in MATLAB as the built-in ODE solvers: ode23, ode45, ode15s, ode23tb, etc. 23

24 Model structure to solve an ODE system
The Euler’s method MATLAB script is structured as follows: 1) Define constants 2) Set time step, simulation time, etc. 3) Set initial conditions 4) A "for" loop to simulate evolution of time At each time step: write output if needed compute dX/dt compute X at the next time step 5) Plot and output results 24

25 Solving ODE systems with MATLAB solvers
To use MATLAB’s solvers, the structure will be modified: 1) Define constants 2) Set time step, simulation time, etc. 3) Set initial conditions 4) Use MATLAB's solvers to integrate the system 5) Plot and output results This will require writing a function that, given a collection of state variables, computes the set of derivatives 25

26 MATLAB scripts versus functions
Schematic relationship between scripts and functions A B C result = samplefunction(A,B,C) ; samplefunction.m result function a = samplefunction(x,y,z) LOTS OF IMPORTANT MATLAB CODE a = something ; return 26

27 MATLAB scripts versus functions
What does this have to do with solving ODEs? The MATLAB ode solvers, e.g. "ode23," are functions. To use them properly, you need to know what variables to pass to them. To use the MATLAB ode solvers, you must create a function that computes the derivatives of your variables. [time,statevars] = ; function deriv = dydt_tyson(t,statevar) 27

28 Solving ODEs with MATLAB functions
To solve the simple 1-variable ODE: ode.m global a b; a = 20 ; b = 2 ; c = 5 ; tlast = 4 ; x0 = c ; [t,x] = ; figure plot(t,x) dxdt.m function deriv = dxdt(t,x) global a b ; deriv = a - b*x ; return 28

29 Analyzing stability of ODE systems
Example: a generic three-component repressive network The scheme implies a set of differential equations Mogilner et al., Developmental Cell 11:279–287, 2006 The equations are solved using standard numerical techniques 29

30 ODE models Two solutions to this system Parameter set 1
Parameter values greatly influence system behavior We use tools of “dynamical systems” to understand different behaviors 30

31 Stability analysis of ODE systems
A one-dimensional example Isolated cardiac myocyte 10 8 6 Fixed points 4 dV/dt (mV/ms) 2 -2 -4 -100 -90 -80 -70 -60 V (mV) Change to < -85  positive dV/dt Change to ~-70  negative dV/dt Change to >~-58  positive dV/dt Beginning with a myocyte at rest (-85 mV), simulate instantaneous changes in voltage, calculate Iion 31

32 Stability analysis of ODE systems
Instantaneous changes in membrane potential dV/dt = -Iion/Cm Change V, then integrate equations 10 8 6 4 -95 mV dV/dt (mV/ms) -75 mV 2 -65 mV V (mV) -50 -55 mV -2 -4 5 ms -100 -100 -90 -80 -70 -60 V (mV) Deviations from -85 mV up to ~-58 mV result in a return to the resting state. This is a stable fixed point Small deviations from -58 mV cause action potentials or return to the resting state. This is an unstable fixed point We will learn to analyze these more rigorously 32

33 Stability analysis of ODE systems
A two-dimensional example: Yeast glycolytic oscillations Tu et al., Science 310: , 2005 Many mathematical models of this process have been developed Bier, Bakker, & Westerhoff published a very simple one (Biophys. J. 78: , 2000) We will analyze stability using this example system 33

34 Stability analysis of ODE systems
Bier model of yeast glycolytic oscillations [Glucose]out [Glucose]in [ATP] [ADP] Vin V1 Vp glucose transport phosphofructokinase ATPases Default parameter values: Vin = 0.36, k1 = 0.02, kp = 6 Km = 13 Km = 20 [G] [ATP] How can we understand the qualitatively different behavior? 34

35 Stability analysis of ODE systems
Phase-plane techniques for 2D systems Instead of plotting [G] and [ATP] vs. time, plot [G] vs. [ATP] Km = 13 Km = 20 16 16 12 12 [Glucose] [Glucose] 8 8 4 4 4 [ATP] 8 12 4 [ATP] 8 12 [G] and [ATP] oscillate indefinitely in a “stable limit cycle” [G] and [ATP] converge to a “stable fixed point” 35

36 Stability analysis of ODE systems
It is useful to plot “nullclines” This is the set of points for which d[G]/dt = 0; d[ATP]/dt = 0 These can usually be calculated analytically 16 d[G]/dt = 0 16 d[G]/dt = 0 12 12 [Glucose] [Glucose] d[ATP]/dt = 0 8 8 d[ATP]/dt = 0 4 4 4 8 12 4 8 12 [ATP] [ATP] Where the nullclines intersect, both derivatives are zero. This is a “fixed point” 36

37 Stability analysis of ODE systems
What if we start the oscillating system close to the fixed point? Km = 13 16 [G] [ATP] 12 [Glucose] 8 4 4 8 12 [ATP] This system moves away from the fixed point, then will oscillate forever The fixed point is “unstable.” The oscillation is a “stable-limit cycle.” 37

38 Stability analysis of ODE systems
What if we start the non-oscillating system away from the fixed point? Km = 20 16 [G] [ATP] 12 [Glucose] 8 4 4 [ATP] 8 12 No matter the initial conditions, this system moves towards the fixed point This fixed point is “stable.” 38

39 Stability analysis of ODE systems
How can we understand stable and unstable fixed points mathematically? Compute the “Jacobian” matrix: Evaluate this at the fixed point defined by [G]*, [T]* (This is where analytical computations can become difficult.) 39

40 Stability analysis of ODE systems
Evaluate Jacobian matrix at the fixed point defined by [G]*, [T]* The eigenvalues of the Jacobian (at the fixed point) determine stability Eigenvalues can be real or complex numbers Real parts of both are positive: the fixed point is unstable Real parts of both are negative: the fixed point is stable Complex eigenvalues have positive real parts: a limit cycle is stable Other possibilities are encountered less frequently 40

41 Bifurcations A bifurcation is where the system qualitatively changes its behavior Here we simulate the Bier model for many different values of Km With each simulation, plot [G]min and [G]max over last 500 minutes 30 This is the bifurcation 20 [G]min and [G]max 10 10 15 Km 20 25 At Km ≈ 16, the unstable fixed point becomes stable. Later we will see bifurcations that are easy to visualize in phase space. 41

42 Workshop/Homework Assignment
Implement the Bier model and determine stability with different parameters You will be provided with the script “euler.m” shown on slide 11 Alter the code so that it simulates the Bier equations euler.m bier.m 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 1 5 6 7 8 9 Homework provides step-by-step instructions Questions involve effects of changes in phosphofructokinase activity 42

43 Slides from a lecture in the course Systems Biology—Biomedical Modeling
Citation: E. A. Sobie, An introduction to dynamical systems. Sci. Signal. 4, tr6 (2011).

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