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The new LIFE Programme 2014-2020 Marine aspects
06/04/2019 The new LIFE Programme Marine aspects 21/05/2015 MSFD Workshop László Bécsy DG ENV E3
06/04/2019 Why LIFE? It is the only EU financial instrument fully dedicated to the environment. LIFE has been implemented since 1992: over 4000 LIFE projects financed with a budget over EUR 3.1 Bn. LIFE is a catalyst: it provides a platform for the development and exchange of best practices and knowledge thereby improving, catalysing and accelerating changes. LIFE is the ideal instrument to show to regional and national authorities the benefits of investing in the environment sector and encouraging them to develop strategic frameworks for spending. Sub-programme ENV: 75% of total
06/04/2019 LIFE Framework The LIFE Regulation (EU Regulation 1293/2013 of 20/12/2013) The LIFE Multiannual Work Programme (Commission Decision 2014/203/EU of 9/03/2014) Indicative budget per priority area and types of funding Definition of relevant elements (project topics, procedure, criteria, indicators) for all projects and operating grants Application and evaluation guidelines (call 2014) Sub-programme ENV: 75% of total
06/04/2019 LIFE – Objectives Contribution towards a resource-efficient, low-carbon and climate-resilient economy; protecting and improving the environment; maintaining and improving biodiversity, ecosystems and, in particular, the Natura network Improving the development, implementation and enforcement of Union environmental and climate policy and legislation Integrating and mainstreaming of environmental and climate objectives into other Union policies Improving environmental and climate governance Implementing of the 7th Environment Action Programme Sub-programme ENV: 75% of total
06/04/2019 LIFE Structure NGOs
06/04/2019 LIFE – New elements New project types: Integrated, technical assistance, capacity building, preparatory projects (LIFE 'traditional projects' continue to be financed), NCFF Actors: EASME for grants except ENV Integrated and TA Projects EIB/intermediary banks for financial instruments National Contact Points (NCP) for counselling and guidance Geographical scope: Exceptionally outside Union territory or in Overseas Countries and Territories (OCT's) Ouside the Union: Article 6 Regulation (EU) No. 1293/2013) (LIFE Regulation);
Integrated projects (IPs)
What is it? Definition: "projects implementing on a large territorial scale, in particular, regional, multi-regional, national or trans-national scale, environmental or climate plans or strategies required by specific Union environmental or climate legislation, developed pursuant to other Union acts or developed by Member States' authorities, primarily in the areas of nature, including, inter alia, Natura 2000 network management, water, waste, air and climate change mitigation and adaptation, while ensuring involvement of stakeholders and promoting the coordination with and mobilisation of at least one other relevant Union, national or private funding source". Article 2(d) of the LIFE Regulation
Integrated projects (IPs)
For what? Implementing large scale environmental and climate plans or strategies: Water: River Basin Management Plan (RBMP) Air: Air Quality Plans Waste: Waste Management Plans and/or Waste Prevention Programmes Nature: Prioritised Action Frameworks (PAF) Climate Change Mitigation (CCM): greenhouse gases strategies Climate Change Adaptation (CCA): low carbon economy, climate resilient society
Integrated projects (cont.)
For whom? Coordinating beneficiaries: Competent authorities capable of coordinating the IP and the complementary actions. Associated beneficiaries: public and/or private commercial and/or non-profit organisation Main stakeholders shall be actively involved in the design and the implementation of the IP. IPs help competent authorities to fulfil their legal obligations! Number of IPs: 3 IP per MS (min 1 ENV/NAT and min 1 CCM/CCA)
IPs – the concept Implementation of a Plan or Strategy means:
06/04/2019 IPs – the concept Implementation of a Plan or Strategy means: Ultimate goal: implementation of all elements/actions of the given plan in a large geographical area/covering a significant number of cities. Implementation via the LIFE IP itself and the complementary actions. There has to be a longterm commitment to implement the entire plan in the given geographical area by all relevant actors. IPs aim at building up capacities of competent authorities and stakeholders to ensure their ability to continue implementing the plan/strategy after the end of the IP.
IP – Funding LIFE IP budget: Total cca 66,5 million EUR (2014)
06/04/2019 IP – Funding LIFE IP budget: Total cca 66,5 million EUR (2014) Per IP cca EUR 10 million from LIFE – total IP value cca EUR 17 million. Mobilisation of complementary funds: Other sources of funding (EU, national, private) – at least one! - must be mobilised to support the implementation of the complementary measures/actions within the same plan (but outside the IP!) Complementarity with other major EU funding sources: ERDF, ESF, EMFF, EAFRD and H2020, etc.
06/04/2019 IPs – the concept Illustration of a plan/strategy implemented by the IP and by complementary actions: Complementary actions/measures (co-) financed by non-LIFE funds (EU/national/private). LIFE Integrated Project LIFE co-financing: Beneficiaries/Co-financers’ contribution: 60% 40% No other EU funds used!! Sub-programme ENV: 75% of total; Nature&Biodiversity: 55% of the 81% of sub-pörogramme environment minus financial instruments, i.e. minus 30 mio.
IP - EU added value - Synergies
06/04/2019 IP - EU added value - Synergies IP should present high quality multi-purpose delivery mechanisms that make it possible to achieve results in other policy areas - in particular the marine environment in accordance with the MSFD - to create synergies with these policies and to integrate environmental and climate action objectives in them. Nature IP: contribution to the achievement of ‘good environmental status’ under the MSFD evaluation, assessment and restoration of ecosystems and their services, improve the impact of fisheries and of other uses of marine and coastal natural resources on biodiversity, monitor, prevent, eradicate and control Invasive Alien Species Water IP: reduce nutrient flows to marine waters, reduce flood risk and support improvements in terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity. Waste IP: specific attention to the issue of marine litter.
Experience from 2014 Call for proposals closed in October 2014
06/04/2019 Experience from 2014 Call for proposals closed in October 2014 Two steps: 1/ submission of a Concept Note, 2/ submission of a Full Proposal Strong interest from the Member States – 37 Concept Notes, 18 full proposals LIFE IP Concept Notes submitted for all 4 sectors – a total demand exceeding 400 MEUR. LIFE IPs Concept Notes indicate mobilisation of complementary funding from other EU funds : ERDF, EAFRD, ESF, INTERREG, EMFF IPs address marine PAF, marine litter.
Traditional projects The LIFE regulation and the Multi-Annual Work Program set thematic priorities per sector project topics under each thematic priority
Thematic priorities (ENV)
Thematic priorities for Water, including the marine environment: activities for the implementation of the specific objectives for water set out in the Roadmap for a Resource-Efficient Europe and the 7th Environment Action Programme, in particular: (i) integrated approaches for the implementation of Directive 2000/60/EC; (ii) activities for the implementation of Directive 2007/60/EC; (iii) activities for the implementation of the programme of measures of Directive 2008/56/EC with a view to achieving good environmental status of marine waters; (iv) activities to ensure safe and efficient use of water resources, improving quantitative water management, preserving a high level of water quality and avoiding misuse and deterioration of water resources.
Water project topics for Marine and coastal management
1. Projects developing tools, technologies and practices to ensure the sustainability of economic activities related to the marine environment (reducing the pressure of economic activities on the marine environment; mainstream marine resource sustainability into maritime economic sectors). Projects expected to include the development of related management plans. 2. Projects aiming at preventing and reducing marine litter or microbial contaminants (addressing also their sources).
Water project topics for Marine and coastal management (cont.)
3. Projects promoting synergies between integrated coastal management and maritime spatial planning; demonstrating the added value of coordinating them in new marine contexts; or connecting them with the procedures for designating and managing Marine Protected Areas or Natura 2000 sites; supporting the concrete implementation of sea basin strategies.
Thematic priorities (NAT-BIO)
Thematic priorities for Nature: activities for the implementation of Directives 92/43/EEC and 2009/147/EC, in particular: (i) activities aimed at improving the conservation status of habitats and species, including marine habitats and species of Union interest; (ii) activities in support of the Natura 2000 network bio-geographical seminars; (iii) integrated approaches for the implementation of prioritised action frameworks. Thematic priorities for Biodiversity: activities for the implementation of the Union Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 (Targets ).
Project topics for Nature Marine component
Projects addressing the marine component of the implementation of the Habitats and Birds Directives and related provisions under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, in particular where such projects focus on one or several of the following actions: completing and finalising national inventories for setting up the offshore marine Natura 2000 network of sites; restoration and management of marine Natura 2000 sites, including the preparation and implementation of site management plans;
Project topics for Nature Marine component (cont.
c. actions addressing species-, habitat- or site-related conflicts between marine conservation and fishermen or other "marine users", as well as actions which combine conservation measures with a sustainable use of Natura 2000 sites; d. demonstrative or innovative approaches to assess or monitor the impact of human activities on critical marine habitats and species as a tool to guide active conservation measures .
What is expected as regards OPs/RDPs?
06/04/2019 What is expected as regards OPs/RDPs? Common Provisions and the Partnership Agreements refer to complementarity with LIFE. Operational Programs are expected to: consider complementary with LIFE objectives, targeting the implementation of eg. PAFs, River Basin Management Plans;. foresee mechanisms to facilitate mobilisation of ESI funds.
LIFE 2015 Call Indicative launch date: 1 June
Indicative submission date: 1 October Traditional projects to EASME IPs to DG ENV .
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