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Woodland High School Junior Class Meeting.

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1 Woodland High School Junior Class Meeting

2 Stay Connected Mr. Bernard Utsey, Principal
Mr. Kevin Lakin, Asst. Principal Mrs. J. Waggoner, Bookkeeper Ms. S. Yates, Attendance Clerk Guidance Department Ms. L. Middleton, Guidance Dir. Mrs. M. Mihlbauer (A-K) Ms. K. Nash (L-Z)

3 PowerSchool Parent Portal
Please contact Ms. Rolack or Ms. Yates to obtain your login information.

4 Student Attendance Students who attend whole unit classes for 180 days for 50 minutes can miss only ten (10) days from a whole unit course. Students arriving late or leaving early must be in class for 35 minutes to be considered present. Students who do not meet this requirement will be marked absent.

5 Promotion Requirements
Promotion to 12th grade: Must have 18 credits by the start of school in august Those 18 credits must include 3 English, 3 math, and 2 science Students retained and those assigned to a course for Credit recovery, must complete and pass the required work in order to be promoted.

6 Graduation Requirements
English Math Science US History Other Social Studies Computer Science PE/ROTC Foreign Language/CATE American Govt. Economics Electives 4 Credits 3 Credits (Biology) 1 Credit 1/2 Credit 7 Credits

7 4 Year College Admissions
English - 4 credits Math - 4 credits Algebra 1, geometry, algebra 2 and one higher level math Lab Science - 3 credits Two units selected from biology, chemistry or physics and the third should have one of those as a prerequisite Foreign Language - 2 credits (some colleges require 3) Fine Art - 1 credit PE or ROTC - 1 credit Academic elective - 1 credit

8 2-Year College Admissions Requirements
2-Year Technical College Requirements - High school diploma or equivalent required for most degree or certification programs. - High school diploma or approved home school program to be eligible LIFE lottery scholarship. - High school diploma or equivalent required for Federal or State financial aid. - required COMPASS placement test in reading, writing & math or submit SAT Verbal 480 / Math 440 scores or ACT 19 score (remedial, non-credit classes required if test scores not met). * COMPASS test is free, SAT / ACT has fees. Some degree, certificate & license programs have minimum score requirements. *Accuplacer Test has replaced COMPASS Placement test for some Technical Colleges

9 What the NCAA Eligibility Center Needs from Every Athlete
Website: Athletes: If planning to compete at Division I or II institution, you MUST register with the NCAA Eligibility Center. Good grades (in the right classes) and good test scores Amateurism status Following the rules Register


11 STEPS TO PREPARE Meet with your Counselor for IGP
Complete Requirements for Promotion Pre-Register for Senior Year Transcript Review

12 Why Schedule an IGP? The Individual Graduation Plan is a way to track student progress to help keep students, parents, and counselors updated yearly. Points Discussed Previous Courses Current Courses Courses for the next year Career Goals Post Secondary Goals

13 Promotion and Scheduling
By the end of junior year students should have at least 18 of the required courses for graduation. Based on previous courses, IGP meeting, and Pre-Registration schedules are created to reflect what is needed still for graduation and course suggested by the counselor.

14 Transcript Review Transcripts are reviewed by counselors and given to seniors in August to ensure they are correct. Ensure the following: Student Information is correct All courses taken are listed Credit hours are calculated correctly Seniors may start requesting transcripts in September to send with college applications.

15 Post secondary planning

16 Attend a 4 or 2 Year Institution
What Will You Choose? Attend a 4 or 2 Year Institution Join the Armed Forces Enter the Workforce

17 Ways to Prepare for All 3 Do your best in all academic courses
Do the research about the area of interest College- Requirements, Cost, Major Military- Branch, Requirements, Recruiter WorkForce- Requirements, Vacancy Start taking necessary steps in order to reach goal Start developing academic resume and essays

18 Get Involved College Admissions Correlation to Academics Teamwork
Time Management/Prioritizing Setting Goals

19 Fee waivers are available to Woodland High School students
* Fee waivers are available to Woodland High School students. Please see your counselor in order to receive a copy.

20 SAT vs. Redesigned SAT vs. ACT


22 Types of Academic Scholarships
Palmetto Fellows Scholarship Academic Criteria: Must meet ALL criteria – Score 1200 SAT (Critical Reading & Math) or 27 ACT composite Earn a 3.5 minimum GPA at the end of the Junior year Rank in the top 6% of the sophomore, junior or graduating senior class - OR - Score 1400 on SAT (Critical Reading & Math) or 32 ACT Earn a 4.0 GPA at the end of the Junior year Award Amount: $6,700 Freshman year

23 Types of Academic Scholarships
Life Scholarship (No Application Needed) 4-Year College Academic Criteria: Must meet 2 of the 3 criteria : Have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 at the end of the senior year Rank in the top 30% of the graduating class Score at least 1100 on the SAT (without Writing) or 24 on the ACT Award Amount: $5000/year 2-Year College Academic Criteria: Award Amount: $5,000 or up to the cost of tuition

24 Types of Academic Scholarships
Hope Scholarship (No Application Needed) 4-year College One-year merit-based for 1st time entering freshmen Only available at four-year schools 3.0 Final GPA (Cannot be a Life Scholarship Recipient) Award Amount: $2,800 toward cost of tuition

25 Scholarship Websites *Check Guidance Google Classroom

26 Important Dates ACT (State Testing)-February 28th
WorkKeys(State Testing)- March 22nd ASVAB- January 2017 Accuplacer- January 2017 EOC Test- May 2017 US History for 11th graders

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