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ADL Footprint 2017 By Dawson French.

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1 ADL Footprint 2017 By Dawson French

2 Question 1 How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities? Give at least two examples. Your didgital footprint could affect you in many ways, it could be the factor that could make or break getting your dream job. When they see what you have posted on instagram or twitter they might turn yu down Id they found online your criminal record they could also say no to you, even if you are a hard working employee

3 Question 2 Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe You can keep all of your stuff password protected, so that nobody can look at stuff and change your future Think twice before you post something If you aren’t sure consult with someone (Friend, Family Teacher etc.)

4 Question 3 I think that the main thing is to think about your future and what you can be affecting in that future. Another thing is that you should be willing to show your parents everything, if you aren’t willing to do that then you probably souldn’t post that tweet.

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