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Geology of Death Valley

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1 Geology of Death Valley

2 Geological Features & Events
Describe the various geological events that have occurred and resulting geological features that have formed for the region.

3 Geological Feature Metamorphic rock is most prevalent in the area.
Mineral Composition Includes: Hydrates Borax A Variety of Salts Death Valley is a region located in California. The most prevalent rock type of this feature is metamorphic rock. The mineral composition located in Death Valley includes hydrates, borax which is still mined in this area, and a large variety of salts in the salt pans of the region.

4 Geologic Time The oldest rock formation found in Death Valley is at the least 1.7 billion years old from the Precambrian period. To gain as accurate age as possible, geologists use stratigraphy to determine the age of Death Valley and it’s features. The oldest rock that has been found in Death Valley is from the Precambrian period and is estimated to be about 1.7 Billion years old or older. This has been found in the Black mountains. Geologists find that stratigraphy is helping them to date the rocks, features and formations that are found in this region. The oldest rocks are the hardest for the geologists studying this area to completely understand everything about them because of how old the rocks are. As the different layers and formations become younger and younger, it gets easier for the scientists to accurately date and understand each time period. Geologists studying the vast area of Death Valley have stated that there are 61 geographic formations that are located within Death Valley. Of these 61 formations, 41 have been identified and dated. These formations were formed in a variety of time periods in the past, such as the Cambrian, Ordovician, Cretaceous, Eocene and the Holocene.

5 Geological Event What geologic event (earthquake, volcano, etc.) created your chosen geological feature? Discuss the process of plate tectonics related to the formation (type of margin).

6 Weathering and Erosion
Arid landscape limits the amount of plant life in the region. This can contribute to a higher impact of weathering and erosion over time. Thunderstorms cause flashfloods which can contribute to the impact that the water has on the region. Weathering and erosion has had a big impact on the physical appearance of Death Valley. There are canyons, valleys and other formations that have the unique look that they do thanks to the weathering and erosion that has occurred. As Death Valley is an arid region, mechanical weathering and erosion play a big factor in the landscape. There are not a lot of areas where plants are abundant due to the small amount of rain that this region sees. Plants can help with effects of weathering and erosion by acting in a way that keeps the soil together within their roots. Another factor that can have a big impact on the landscape is that the small amount of rainfall that is seen in Death Valley can sometimes come from thunderstorms which can cause flashfloods. The rushing water will then be able to make changes in the landscape as it is able to pick up larger items, such as boulders and large rocks.

7 Igneous Rocks Discuss the relation of igneous rocks to your region.

8 Sedimentary Rocks Sedimentary rocks are noticeable throughout Death Valley.  Conglomerate sedimentary rock is most commonly found in the area, but there are other types found in this region. Death Valley was not always a desert. Sedimentary rocks are very prevalent throughout Death Valley itself. This is because Death Valley started out as an ocean many years ago which is one of the reasons why there is an abundance of salt flats and other sedimentary rock formations in the area. Sedimentary rock’s relevance to Death Valley is that it shows the way in which this desert was not always a desert area throughout history. For instance, the alluvial fans and lacustrine deposits, Titus Canyon, Owens Valley, Bird Spring Formation are some of sedimentary rock formations that have been found so far in this area.

9 Metamorphic Rocks Discuss the relation of metamorphic rocks to your region.

10 Water, Desert, and Glaciers
Discuss a significant water, ocean, desert, or glacial feature(s) of your region, and the process involved with creating one of them.

11 Resources Discuss resources that are abundant in the region.
Discuss the importance and economic value of this resource to the region or nation.

12 Conclusion Conclude with why you chose the region and geological feature for this project.

13 References Will be updated weekly.

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