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SENSE: Survey of New Student Engagement

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1 SENSE: Survey of New Student Engagement
Fall 2015

2 What is SENSE? Survey of Entering Student Engagement, given during the first few weeks of the fall semester. SENSE provides information on key indicators (benchmarks) of learning quality for community colleges. Benchmarks Student connections, expectations, academic planning, college readiness, engaged learning, academic and social support networks.

3 Respondents Demographics
219 entering students responded 52% Female, 59% white, 29% Hispanic, 3% Native American, 3% Black, 1% Asian, 4% International/Nonresident 72% Age 18-19, 8% 20-21 74% Full-Time, 26% < Full-Time

4 Early Connections Strong early connection to someone at the college. BMCC BMCC Cohort* 50.0 Scored low on financial assistance questions. Scored high on “at least one staff member learned my name.” *SENSE utilizes a three-year cohort (current year plus the previous two years) which is standardized to have a mean of 50

5 Early Connections * Small colleges: used as a comparison group
Gap from the top performing 8.7 * Small colleges: used as a comparison group * Top Performers: those that scored in the top 10% of the cohort by benchmark

6 High Expectations and Aspirations
Students entering perceive high expectations from college staff and faculty. BMCC BMCC Cohort 50.0 Scored low on frequency of late assignments and came to class w/o completing assignments.

7 High Expectations and Aspirations
Gap from the top performing 15.4

8 High Expectations and Aspirations
We scored lower than small colleges mean as well as cohort mean in every aspect: The instructors at this college want me to succeed I have the motivation to do what it takes to succeed in college I am prepared academically to succeed in college Turned in an assignment late Didn’t turn in an assignment Came to class without completing readings or assignments Skipped class

9 Clear Academic Plan and Pathway
Advising about what courses to take, setting academic goals and a plan for achieving them. BMCC BMCC Cohort 50.0

10 Clear Academic Plan and Pathway
Gap from the top performing 8.1

11 Effective Track to College Readiness
Effective placement, and implementation of strategies to ensure students build academic skills and receive needed support. BMCC BMCC Cohort 50.0 Above cohort means An advisor helped me to select a course of study, program, or Major An advisor helped me to set academic goals and to create a plan for achieving them Below cohort means I was able to meet with an academic advisor at times convenient for me

12 Effective Track to College Readiness
Gap from the top performing 3.9

13 Engaged Learning Effective learning approaches that foster engagement. BMCC BMCC Cohort 50.0 Scored low on frequency of use of writing or math skill lab & tutoring. Scored high on participated in supplemental instruction, student study groups, communicated with instructor electronically.

14 Engaged Learning Gap from the top performing 7.1

15 Academic and Social Support Network
Important to provide network since students often don’t know what they don’t know. BMCC BMCC Cohort 50.0 Scored low on: Use and understanding of support services available at this college. At least one other student whom I didn't previously know learned my name. Scored low on All instructors clearly explained academic and student support services available at this college At least one other student whom I didn't previously know learned my name

16 Academic and Social Support Network
Gap from the top performing 11

17 Summary Areas for Improvement Benchmark Successes
Information about financial assistance (early connections) Class preparation (expectations and aspirations) Tutoring and skills lab services (engaged learning) Career advising services (academic & social support) Benchmark Successes Early connections with staff and faculty Advising – clear academic plans and pathway Effective track to college readiness Engaged learning – instructors and peers Access to academic advising supports and services

18 THANKS. Toshihiko Murato, VP of Institutional Effectiveness
Josh Ellis, Institutional Research and Reporting THANKS.

19 Effective Educational Practice

20 Highest Student Engagement

21 Lowest Student Engagement

22 Academic & Student Support Services

23 Academic & Student Support Services

24 Academic & Student Support Services

25 Academic Goal Setting and Planning

26 Benchmark Scores Summary
Students are not utilizing counseling, tutoring, or skill lab services Could this lack of services exploited be connected to low expectations?

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