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Social Mobility CH: 8 Section 5.

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1 Social Mobility CH: 8 Section 5

2 What is Social Mobility?
It is the movement of individuals or groups between classes

3 Types of Mobility Horizontal Mobility: change in occupation within the same social class EX: Work at Wal-Mart, then get a new job at Carson’s

4 Types of Mobility (Cont.)
Vertical Mobility: change upward or downward in occupation status or social class EX: Janitor to Regional Manager of Sanitation

5 Types of Mobility (Cont.)
Intergenerational Mobility: Change in status or class from one generation to another EX: Your parents were from lower class, then you become a CEO

6 Caste System Is a stratification system that does not allow for social mobility Is based on ascribed status Seen in parts of India. Middle Ages

7 Caste System (Cont.) How is this system kept in place?
Traditional Rules are used: People cannot eat with someone from a different class Dating outside your class is looked down upon Higher class uses their power to keep others from moving up

8 Upward Mobility U.S. is one of few countries that have opportunities for upward mobility “rags to riches” Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, Lincoln

9 Upward Mobility (Cont.)
After WWII, many Americans experienced upward mobility Those individuals believed it would be the same for their children But we see this reversing

10 Why the Downward Mobility?
Technology Outsourcing Will this downward trend continue?

11 RICH PEOPLE According to Forbes Magazine: Warren Buffett 3. Bill Gates

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