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Public-Key (Asymmetric) Ciphers Part 2
Slides Original Source: M. Stamp, “Information Security: Principles and Practice,” John Wiley C. Paar and J. Pelzl, “Understanding Cryptography – A Textbook for Students and Practitioners,” Springer ( B. Forouzan, ” Cryptography and Network Security,” McGraw-Hill
Outline Public-key Crypto Examples Knapsack RSA Diffie-Hellman (DH)
ElGamal Uses of Public-key Crypto Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
Outline Public-key Examples Knapsack RSA Diffie-Hellman (DH) ElGamal
Uses of Public-key Crypto Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
Knapsack 4
Knapsack Problem Given a set of n weights W0,W1,...,Wn-1 and a sum S, is it possible to find ai {0,1} so that S = a0W0+a1W an-1Wn-1 (technically, this is “subset sum” problem) Example Weights (62,93,26,52,166,48,91,141) Problem: Find subset that sums to S=302 Answer: =302 The general knapsack (GK) is NP-complete 5
Knapsack Problem General knapsack (GK) is hard to solve
But superincreasing knapsack (SIK) is easy SIK: each weight greater than the sum of all previous weights Example Weights (2,3,7,14,30,57,120,251) Problem: Find subset that sums to S=186 Work from largest to smallest weight Answer: =186 6
Knapsack Cryptosystem
Generate superincreasing knapsack (SIK) Convert SIK into “general” knapsack (GK) Public Key: GK Private Key: SIK plus conversion factor Ideally… Easy to encrypt with GK With private key, easy to decrypt convert ciphertext to SIK problem Without private key, must solve GK 7
Knapsack Keys Start with (2,3,7,14,30,57,120,251) as the SIK
Choose m = 41 and n = 491 (m, n relatively prime, n exceeds sum of elements in SIK) Compute “general” knapsack 2 41 mod 491 = 82 3 41 mod 491 = 123 7 41 mod 491 = 287 14 41 mod 491 = 83 30 41 mod 491 = 248 57 41 mod 491 = 373 120 41 mod 491 = 10 251 41 mod 491 = 471 “General” knapsack: (82,123,287,83,248,373,10,471) 8
Knapsack Cryptosystem
Private key: (2,3,7,14,30,57,120,251) m1 mod n = 411 mod 491 = 12 Public key: (82,123,287,83,248,373,10,471) Example: Encrypt = 548 To decrypt, 548 · 12 = 193 mod 491 Solve (easy) SIK with S = 193 Obtain plaintext 9
Knapsack Weakness Trapdoor: Convert SIK into “general” knapsack using modular arithmetic One-way: General knapsack easy to encrypt, hard to solve; SIK easy to solve This knapsack cryptosystem is insecure Broken in 1983 with Apple II computer The attack uses lattice reduction (see backup slides) “General knapsack” is not general enough! This special knapsack is easy to solve! 10
Outline Public-key Examples Knapsack RSA Diffie-Hellman (DH) ElGamal
Uses of Public-key Crypto Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
RSA 12
RSA By Clifford Cocks (GCHQ), independently, Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman (MIT) RSA is the gold standard in public key crypto Let p and q be two large prime numbers Let N = pq be the modulus Choose e relatively prime to (p1)(q1) (why?) Find d such that ed = 1 mod (p1)(q1) i.e., d = e-1 mod (p1)(q1) Public key is (N,e) Private key is d In practice, N & d should be large (≥ 1024 bits) 13
RSA Message M (i.e., plaintext) is treated as a number
To encrypt plaintext M C = Me mod N To decrypt ciphertext C M = Cd mod N Recall that e and N are public If Trudy can factor N=pq, she can use e to easily find d since ed = 1 mod (p1)(q1) Factoring the modulus breaks RSA Is factoring the only way to break RSA? 14
Does RSA Really Work? Given C Me mod N, we must show Facts:
M Cd Med mod N Facts: (N) = (p 1)(q 1) ed 1 mod (p 1)(q 1) 1 mod (N) By definition of “mod”: ed = t(N) + 1, where t is an integer Must show M Cd Med Mt(N)+1 Mt(N) M (M(N))t M mod N 15
Does RSA Really Work? Must show (M(N))t M M mod N
Case 1: gcd(M, N) 1 Use Euler’s Theorem if gcd(M, N) 1, then 1 M(N) mod N Cd Med (M(N))t M (1)t M M mod N Case 2: gcd(M, N) gcd(M, p q) 1 Can’t use Euler’s Theorem directly p and q are primes M = (r p) or M = (s q), where r < q and s < p Note that M (x p q) (i.e., isn’t factor of both p & q) Assume M = (r p) –– will also work if M = (s q) gcd(M, q) 1 Using Euler’s Theorem 1t (M(q))t mod q Consider again (M(N))t (M(p-1)(q-1))t ((M(q))t)(p-1) 1(p-1) 1 mod q But by definition of “mod” (M(N))t = u q + 1, where u is an integer M(M(N))t = M(u q + 1) = M u q + M = (r p) u q + M = (r u) N + M M mod N Cd Med (M(N))t M M mod N otherwise C Me mod N 0 16
Simple RSA Example Example of RSA Public key: (N, e) = (33, 3)
Select “large” primes p = 11, q = 3 Then N = pq = 33 and (p − 1)(q − 1) = 20 Choose e = 3 (relatively prime to 20) Find d such that ed 1 mod 20 We find that d = 7 works Public key: (N, e) = (33, 3) Private key: d = 7 17
Simple RSA Example Public key: (N, e) = (33, 3) Private key: d = 7
Suppose message M = 8 Ciphertext C is computed as C = Me mod N = 83 = 512 17 mod 33 Decrypt C to recover the message M by M Cd mod N = 177 = 410,338, = 12,434,505 8 mod 33 18
Understanding Cryptography by Christof Paar and Jan Pelzl
Key Generation Like all asymmetric schemes, RSA has set-up phase during which the private and public keys are computed Key generation: choose two large, distinct primes p and q –– not-trivial! So, how to find p and q? Understanding Cryptography by Christof Paar and Jan Pelzl
Understanding Cryptography by Christof Paar and Jan Pelzl
Finding Large Primes 1/2 Generating keys for RSA requires finding two large primes p and q such that n = p * q is sufficiently large The size of p and q is typically half the size of the desired size of n To find primes, random integers are generated and tested for primality: For this approach to work, we have to answer two questions: How many random integers do we have to test before we have a prime? If the likelihood of a prime is too small, it might take too long How fast can we check whether a random integer is prime? Again, if the test is too slow, the approach is impractical It turns out that both steps are reasonably fast!!! p' is prime OR p' is composite p' Secure RNG Primality Test candidate prime a Understanding Cryptography by Christof Paar and Jan Pelzl
How many primes are there?
By looking at the first few positive integers that primes become less dense as the value increases: 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37, . . . What is the chance that a random number (e.g., 512 bits) is a prime? The chance that a randomly picked integer 𝑝 is a prime is approximately 1/ln( 𝑝 ) (based on “prime number theorem”) In practice, test only odd numbers so that the likelihood doubles probability for a random odd number 𝑝 to be prime is Example: RSA with a 1024-bit N, each of p and q ≈ 2512 P( 𝑝 is prime) ≈ 2/ln(2512) = 2/(512 ln(2)) ≈ 1/177 Expect to test 177 random numbers before finding a prime Likelihood of integers being primes decreases slowly, proportional to integer bit length For very long RSA parameters (e.g., 4096 bit), the density of primes is still sufficiently high Understanding Cryptography by Christof Paar and Jan Pelzl
How long to check if integer is prime? – Primality Tests
Factoring p and q to test for primality is typically not feasible However, we are not interested in the factorization, we only want to know whether p and q are composite or prime Typical primality tests are probabilistic, i.e., they are not 100% accurate but their output is correct with very high probability A probabilistic test has two outputs: p' is composite – always true p' is a prime – only true with a certain probability Among the well-known primality tests are the following Fermat Primality-Test Miller-Rabin Primality-Test Understanding Cryptography by Christof Paar and Jan Pelzl
Fermat Primality-Test
Basic idea: Fermat‘s Little Theorem holds for all primes, i.e., if a number p' is found for which ap'-1 ≡ 1 mod p', then p' is not a prime For certain numbers (“Carmichael numbers”) this test returns (p' is likely a prime) often even though these numbers are composite!!! Therefore, the Miller-Rabin Test is preferred Algorithm: Fermat Primality-Test Input: Prime candidate p', security parameter s Output: (p' is composite) or (p' is likely a prime) FOR i = 1 TO s choose random a {2,3, ..., p'-2} IF ap'-1 ≡ 1 mod p' THEN RETURN (p' is composite) RETURN (p' is likely a prime) Understanding Cryptography by Christof Paar and Jan Pelzl
Theorem for Miller-Rabinʹs test
The more powerful Miller-Rabin Test is based on the following theorem This theorem can be turned into an algorithm Theorem Given the decomposition of an odd prime candidate p' p' – 1 = 2u . r where r is odd. If we can find an integer a such that ar ≡ 1 mod p' and a2jr ≡ p' - 1 mod p' For all j = {0,1, ..., u-1}, then p' is composite. Otherwise it is probably a prime. Understanding Cryptography by Christof Paar and Jan Pelzl
Miller-Rabin Primality-Test 1/3
Algorithm: Miller-Rabin Primality-Test Input: Prime candidate p' with p'-1 = (2u . r) security parameter s Output: (p' is composite) or (p' is likely a prime) FOR i = 1 TO s choose random a {2,3, ..., p'-2} z ≡ ar mod p' IF z ≠ 1 AND z ≠ p'-1 THEN FOR j = 1 TO u-1 z ≡ z2 mod p' IF z = 1 THEN RETURN (p' is composite) IF z ≠ p'-1 THEN RETURN (p' is likely a prime) Understanding Cryptography by Christof Paar and Jan Pelzl
Miller-Rabin Primality-Test 2/3
Possible that a composite number 𝑝 gives the incorrect statement “prime” However, the likelihood of this rapidly decreases as we run the test with several different random base elements a Number of runs is given by security parameter s in the Miller–Rabin test Following table shows how many different values a must be chosen in order to have a probability 2−80 that a composite is incorrectly detected as a prime Understanding Cryptography by Christof Paar and Jan Pelzl
Miller-Rabin Primality-Test 3/3
Example: Let 𝑝 = 91 𝑝 −1 = 21 · 45. Select a security parameter of s = 4 Choose s times a random value a: Let a = 12 z = 1245 ≡ 90 mod 91, hence, 𝑝 is likely prime. Let a = 17 z = 1745 ≡ 90 mod 91, hence, 𝑝 is likely prime. Let a = 38 z = 3845 ≡ 90 mod 91, hence, 𝑝 is likely prime. Let a = 39 z = 3945 ≡ 78 mod 91, hence, 𝑝 is composite. Since the numbers 12, 17 and 38 give incorrect statements for the prime candidate 𝑝 = 91, they are called “liars for 91” Understanding Cryptography by Christof Paar and Jan Pelzl
More Efficient RSA (1) “Textbook” RSA suffers from the following:
RSA encryption is deterministic (i.e., for a specific key, a particular plaintext is always mapped to a particular ciphertext) Attacker can derive statistical properties of the plaintext from the ciphertext Plaintexts x = 0, x = 1, or x = −1 produce ciphertexts equal to 0, 1, or −1 Small public exponents e and small plaintexts x might be subject to attacks (more later!) Above problems solved using Padding Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP) scheme in Public Key Cryptography Standard #1 (PKCS #1) 28
More Efficient RSA (2) Modular exponentiation example
A better way: repeated squaring 20 = (10100)2 (1, 10, 101, 1010, 10100) = (1, 2, 5, 10, 20) Note that 2 = 1 2, 5 = 2 2 + 1, 10 = 2 5, 20 = 2 10 51 5 mod 35 52 = (51)2 = 52 25 mod 35 55 = (52)2 51 = 252 5 = 3125 10 mod 35 510 = (55)2 = 102 = 100 30 mod 35 520 = (510)2 = 302 = 900 25 mod 35 No huge numbers and it’s efficient! 29
More Efficient RSA (3) Use e = 3 for all users (but not same N or d)
Public key operations only require 2 multiplies Private key operations remain expensive If M < N1/3 then C = Me = M3 and cube root attack For any M, if C1, C2, C3 sent to 3 users, cube root attack works (uses Chinese Remainder Theorem) Can prevent cube root attack by padding message with random bits choosing length of private key d 0.3t bits, where t is the bit length of the modulus N Note: e = also used (“better” than e = 3) 30
Attacks and Countermeasures 1/3
There are two distinct types of attacks on cryptosystems Analytical attacks try to break the mathematical structure of the underlying problem of RSA Implementation attacks attack a real-world implementation by exploiting inherent weaknesses in the way RSA is realized in software or hardware Understanding Cryptography by Christof Paar and Jan Pelzl
Attacks and Countermeasures 2/3
RSA is typically exposed to these analytical attack vectors Mathematical attacks The best known attack is factoring of n in order to obtain (N) Can be prevented using a sufficiently large modulus N The current factoring record is 664 bits. Thus, it is recommended that N should have a bit length between 1024 and 3072 bits Protocol attacks Exploit the malleability of RSA, i.e., the property that a ciphertext can be transformed into another ciphertext which decrypts to a related plaintext – without knowing the private key Can be prevented by proper padding Understanding Cryptography by Christof Paar and Jan Pelzl
Attacks and Countermeasures 3/3
Implementation attacks can be one of the following Side-channel analysis Exploit physical leakage of RSA implementation (e.g., power consumption, EM emanation, etc.) Fault-injection attacks Inducing faults in the device while Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) is executed can lead to a complete leakage of the private key Understanding Cryptography by Christof Paar and Jan Pelzl
Outline Public-key Examples Knapsack RSA Diffie-Hellman (DH) ElGamal
Uses of Public-key Crypto Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
Diffie-Hellman 35
Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange
Invented by Williamson (GCHQ) and, independently, by D and H (Stanford) A “key exchange” algorithm Used to establish a shared symmetric key Not for encrypting or signing Based on discrete log problem: Given: g, p, and gk mod p Find: exponent k 36
Diffie-Hellman Let p be a large prime, choose g {2,…,p-2}
Alice selects her private value a Bob selects his private value b Alice sends ga mod p to Bob Bob sends gb mod p to Alice Both compute shared secret K gab mod p Shared secret K can be used as symmetric key 37
Diffie-Hellman Suppose Alice and Bob use Diffie-Hellman to determine symmetric key K = gab mod p Trudy can see (ga mod p) and (gb mod p) But… ga gb mod p = ga+b mod p gab mod p If Trudy can find a or b, she gets key K If Trudy can solve discrete log problem (DLP), she can find a or b 38
Attacks against the DLP
Summary of records for computing discrete logarithms Decimal Digits Bit Length Date 58 193 1991 68 216 1996 85 282 1998 100 332 1999 120 399 2001 135 448 2006 160 532 2007 Use primes 1024 bits to prevent attacks that compute the DLP Understanding Cryptography by Christof Paar and Jan Pelzl
Diffie-Hellman Public: g and p
Private: Alice’s exponent a, Bob’s exponent b ga mod p gb mod p Alice, a Bob, b Alice computes (gb)a = gba mod p Bob computes (ga)b = gab mod p Use K = gab mod p as symmetric key 40
Diffie-Hellman Problem! 1/2
Subject to man-in-the-middle (MiM) attack Not unique to DH only!! ga mod p gt mod p gt mod p gb mod p Alice, a Trudy, t Bob, b Trudy shares secret gat mod p with Alice Trudy shares secret gbt mod p with Bob Alice and Bob don’t know Trudy exists! 41
Diffie-Hellman Problem! 2/2
How to prevent MiM attack? Encrypt DH exchange with symmetric key Encrypt DH exchange with public key Sign DH values with private key … More later!!! 42
Outline Public-key Examples Knapsack RSA Diffie-Hellman (DH) ElGamal
Uses of Public-key Crypto Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
ElGamal Public-key Cryptosystem
ElGamal is a public-key cryptosystem that was developed by Dr. Taher Elgamal in 1985 based on the Diffie–Hellman key exchange Encryption requires two modular exponentiations that are independent of the plaintext Can be computed ahead of time if need be Decryption only requires one exponentiation Ciphertext is twice as long as the corresponding plaintext (disadvantage) 44
Key Generation Bob (receiver) must do the following:
Generate a large random prime number p Choose a generator number a (see next slides) Choose secret number x less than (p-1) Compute d = ax mod p Public key: p, a, d Private key: x Note: p must be > 300 digits (i.e., > 997 bits) 45
Generator Number Testing if a is generator number:
a must {1, 2, …, p-1} Find (p) = p-1 Find the all factors of (p), {f1, f2, …, fn} – { 1 } Find {q1, q2, …, qn} where qi = fi for redundant factors qi = fih, where h = 1, 2, …, freq(fi) a is generator iff wi (a)(p)/qi mod p 1, for all qi 46
Generator Number (Example 1)
Let p = 11, a = 2, test if a is generator number (p) = 10, factors of 10 = {2, 5} q1 = 2, q2 = 5 w1 = 210/2 mod 11 = 10 1 w2 = 210/5 mod 11 = 4 1 a is a generator number 47
Generator Number (Example 2)
Let p = 11, a = 3, test if a is generator number (p) = 10, factors of 10 = {2, 5} q1 = 2, q2 = 5 w1 = 310/2 mod 11 = 1 w2 = 310/5 mod 11 = 9 1 a is NOT a generator number 48
Generator Number (Example 3)
Let p = 37, a = 2, test if a is generator number (p) = 36, factors of 36 = {2, 2, 3, 3} q1 = 21 = 2, q2 = 22 = 4, q3 = 31 = 3, q4 = 32 = 9 w1 = 236/2 mod 37 = 36 1 w2 = 236/4 mod 37 = 31 1 w3 = 236/3 mod 37 = 26 1 w4 = 236/9 mod 37 = 16 1 a is a generator number 49
Key Generation Example
Let p = 11, a = 2, and x = 5 Calculate d = ax mod p = 25 mod 11 = 10 Public key: p, a, d = (11, 2, 10) Private key: x = (5) 50
Encryption Alice (sender) must do the following:
Obtain public key (p, a , d) from Bob (receiver) Choose an integer k such that 1 < k < p-1 Represent plaintext as an integer m Compute y = ak mod p Compute z = (dk * m) mod p Ciphertext C = (y, z) Note: k must be new for each encryption 51
Decryption Bob (receiver) does the following:
Obtain ciphertext C = (y, z) from Alice (sender) Compute r = yp-1-x mod p Recover plaintext m = (r * z) mod p 52
Encryption/Decryption Example 1/3
Let p = 11, a = 2, and x = 5 Calculate d = ax mod p = 25 mod 11 = 10 Public key: p, a, d = (11, 2, 10) Private key: x = (5) Let plaintext m = (1, 7, 5) 53
Encryption/Decryption Example 2/3
Encryption: y = ak mod p and z = (dk * m) mod p Choose a random integer k = 6 y1 = 26 mod 11 = 9 and z1 = (106*1) mod 11 = 1 Choose a random integer k = 4 y7 = 24 mod 11 = 5 and z7 = (104*7) mod 11 = 7 Choose a random integer k = 7 y5 = 27 mod 11 = 7 and z5 = (107*5) mod 11 = 6 Ciphertext C = (9,1)(5,7)(7,6) 54
Encryption/Decryption Example 3/3
Decryption: r = yp-1-x mod p and m = (r * z) mod p r9 = mod 11 = 1 m9 = (1 * 1) mod 11 = 1 r5 = mod 11 = 1 m5 = (1 * 7) mod 11 = 7 r7 = mod 11 = 10 m7 = (10 * 6) mod 11 = 5 Plaintext m = (1, 7, 5) 55
Outline Public-key Examples Knapsack RSA Diffie-Hellman (DH) ElGamal
Uses of Public-key Crypto Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
Uses for Public Key Crypto
Confidentiality Transmitting data over insecure channel Secure storage on insecure media Authentication (later) Digital signature provides integrity and non-repudiation No non-repudiation with symmetric keys 57
Non-non-repudiation Alice orders 100 shares of stock from Bob
Alice computes MAC using symmetric key Stock drops, Alice claims she did not order Can Bob prove that Alice placed the order? No! Since Bob also knows the symmetric key, he could have forged message Problem: Bob knows Alice placed the order, but he can’t prove it 58
Non-repudiation Alice orders 100 shares of stock from Bob
Alice signs order with her private key Stock drops, Alice claims she did not order Can Bob prove that Alice placed the order? Yes! Only someone with Alice’s private key could have signed the order This assumes Alice’s private key is not stolen (revocation problem) 59
Public Key Notation Sign message M with Alice’s private key: [M]Alice
Encrypt message M with Alice’s public key: {M}Alice Then {[M]Alice}Alice = M [{M}Alice]Alice = M 60
Sign and Encrypt vs Encrypt and Sign
Confidentiality and Non-repudiation?
Suppose that we want confidentiality and integrity/non-repudiation Can public key crypto achieve both? Alice sends message to Bob Sign and encrypt {[M]Alice}Bob Encrypt and sign [{M}Bob]Alice Can the order possibly matter? 62
Sign and Encrypt M = “I like you” Q: What’s the problem?
{[M]Alice}Bob {[M]Alice}Charlie Alice Bob Charlie Q: What’s the problem? A: No problem public key is public 63
Encrypt and Sign M = “My theory, which is mine….”
[{M}Bob]Alice [{M}Bob]Charlie Alice Charlie Bob Note that Charlie cannot decrypt M Q: What is the problem? A: No problem public key is public 64
Confidentiality in the Real World
Symmetric Key vs Public Key
Symmetric key +’s Speed No public key infrastructure (PKI) needed Public Key +’s Signatures (non-repudiation) No shared secret (but, private keys…) 66
Real World Confidentiality
Hybrid cryptosystem Public key crypto to establish a key Symmetric key crypto to encrypt data… I’m Alice, {ga mod p}Bob I’m Bob, {gb mod p}Alice E(data, K = gab mod p) Alice, a Bob, b Can Bob be sure he’s talking to Alice (and vice versa)? Concept of Authentication 67
Outline Public-key Examples Knapsack RSA Diffie-Hellman (DH) ElGamal
Uses of Public-key Crypto Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
Public Key Certificate
Certificate contains name of user and user’s public key (and possibly other info) It is signed by the issuer, a Certificate Authority (CA), such as VeriSign M = (Alice, Alice’s public key), S = [M]CA Alice’s Certificate = (M, S) Signature on certificate is verified using CA’s public key: Verify that M = {S}CA 69
Certificate Authority
Certificate authority (CA) is a trusted 3rd party (TTP) creates and signs certificates Verify signature to verify integrity & identity of owner of corresponding private key Does not verify the identity of the sender of certificate certificates are public keys! Big problem if CA makes a mistake (a CA once issued Microsoft certificate to someone else) A common format for certificates is X.509 70
PKI Public Key Infrastructure (PKI): the stuff needed to securely use public key crypto Key generation and management Certificate authority (CA) or authorities Certificate revocation lists (CRLs), etc. No general standard for PKI We mention 3 generic “trust models” 71
PKI Trust Models Monopoly model
One universally trusted organization is the CA for the known universe Big problems if CA is ever compromised Who will act as CA??? System is useless if you don’t trust the CA! 72
PKI Trust Models Oligarchy Multiple trusted CAs
This is approach used in browsers today Browser may have 80 or more certificates, just to verify certificates! User can decide which CAs to trust 73
PKI Trust Models Anarchy model Why is it anarchy?
Everyone is a CA… Users must decide who to trust This approach used in PGP: “Web of trust” Why is it anarchy? Suppose a certificate is signed by Frank and you don’t know Frank, but you do trust Bob and Bob says Alice is trustworthy and Alice vouches for Frank. Should you accept the certificate? Many other trust models and PKI issues 74
Backup Slides Original Source:
M. Stamp, “Information Security: Principles and Practice,” John Wiley
Knapsack Lattice Reduction Attack
Lattice? Many problems can be solved by finding a “short” vector in a lattice Let b1,b2,…,bn be vectors in m All 1b1+2b2+…+nbn, each i is an integer is a discrete set of points 77
What is a Lattice? Suppose b1=[1,3]T and b2=[2,1]T
Then any point in the plane can be written as 1b1+2b2 for some 1,2 Since b1 and b2 are linearly independent We say the plane 2 is spanned by (b1,b2) If 1,2 are restricted to integers, the resulting span is a lattice Then a lattice is a discrete set of points 78
Lattice Example Suppose b1=[1,3]T and b2=[2,1]T
The lattice spanned by (b1,b2) is pictured to the right 79
Exact Cover Exact cover given a set S and a collection of subsets of S, find a collection of these subsets with each element of S is in exactly one subset Exact Cover is a combinatorial problems that can be solved by finding a “short” vector in lattice 80
Exact Cover Example Set S = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6}
Spse m = 7 elements and n = 13 subsets Subset: Elements: Find a collection of these subsets with each element of S in exactly one subset Could try all 213 possibilities If problem is too big, try heuristic search Many different heuristic search techniques 81
Exact Cover Solution Exact cover in matrix form
Set S = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6} Spse m = 7 elements and n = 13 subsets Subset: Elements: subsets Solve: AU = B where ui {0,1} e l m n t s Solution: U = [ ]T m x 1 m x n n x 1 82
Example We can restate AU = B as MV = W where
Matrix M Vector V Vector W The desired solution is U Columns of M are linearly independent Let c0,c1,c2,…,cn be the columns of M Let v0,v1,v2,…,vn be the elements of V Then W = v0c0 + v1c1 + … + vncn 83
Example Let L be the lattice spanned by c0,c1,c2,…,cn (ci are the columns of M) Recall MV = W Where W = [U,0]T and we want to find U But if we find W, we’ve also solved it! Note W is in lattice L since all vi are integers and W = v0c0 + v1c1 + … + vncn 84
Facts W = [u0,u1,…,un-1,0,0,…,0] L, each ui {0,1}
The length of a vector Y N is ||Y|| = sqrt(y02+y12+…+yN-12) Then the length of W is ||W|| = sqrt(u02+u12+…+un-12) sqrt(n) So W is a very short vector in L where First n entries of W all 0 or 1 Last m elements of W are all 0 Can we use these facts to find U? 85
Lattice Reduction If we can find a short vector in L, with first n entries all 0 or 1 and last m entries all 0, then we might have found U LLL lattice reduction algorithm will efficiently find short vectors in a lattice Less than 30 lines of pseudo-code for LLL! No guarantee LLL will find a specific vector But probability of success is often good 86
Knapsack Example What does lattice reduction have to do with the knapsack cryptosystem? Suppose we have Superincreasing knapsack S = [2,3,7,14,30,57,120,251] Suppose m = 41, n = 491 m1 = 12 mod n Public knapsack: ti = 41 si mod 491 T = [82,123,287,83,248,373,10,471] Public key: T Private key: (S,m1,n) 87
Knapsack Example Public key: T Private key: (S,m1,n)
n = 491, m1 = 12 Example: is encrypted as = 548 Then receiver computes 548 12 = 193 mod 491 and uses S to solve for 88
Knapsack LLL Attack Attacker knows public key
Attacker knows ciphertext: 548 Attacker wants to find ui {0,1} s.t. 82u0+123u1+287u2+83u3+248u4+373u5+10u6+471u7=548 This can be written as a matrix equation (dot product): T U = 548 89
Knapsack LLL Attack Attacker knows: T = [82,123,287,83,248,373,10,471]
Wants to solve: T U = 548 where each ui {0,1} Same form as AU = B on previous slides! We can rewrite problem as MV = W where LLL gives us short vectors in the lattice spanned by the columns of M 90
LLL Result LLL finds short vectors in lattice of M
Matrix M’ is result of applying LLL to M Column marked with “” has the right form Possible solution: U = [1,0,0,1,0,1,1,0]T Easy to verify this is the plaintext! 91
Bottom Line Lattice reduction is a surprising method of attack on knapsack A cryptosystem is only secure as long as nobody has found an attack Lesson: Advances in mathematics can break cryptosystems! 92
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