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South China Tiger By Steven ID: also known as the

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1 South China Tiger By Steven ID: 88888 also known as the
Amoy or Xiamen tiger The south China tiger, Chinese Amoy tiger, Xiamen tiger. By Steven ID: 88888

2 Physical characteristics:
The smallest tiger subspecies Male tiger: about 2.8m from head to tail weigh about 150kg Female tiger: about 2.3m long weigh approximately 110kg Short ear Long tail Short , broad stripes Speed: 35 km/h Smallest tiger subspecies Long m weight kg short stripes, short ear, long tail

3 They are pure carnivores, like eating cows and goats, but they can feed on almost anything, from insect to Gaurs. They also are man-eaters. Diet & Habitat Pure carnivores Like eating cows and goats. They also can eat almost anything. Native to the forest. They lived in South China's temperate upland forests. They act alone, not groups.

4 Now they are endangered species.
But In 1959, Chinese government announced the tiger is ‘enemies of the people’. Their wild population of the South China tiger reduced from more than 4,000 to less than 200 by 1982 Today the population of the South Chinese tiger is They have not been seen in the wild. ‘Enemies of the people’ From 1959 to 1982, south china tiger reduced from more than 4000 to less than 200. Today, there are about south china tiger. Endangered animal. Now they are endangered species.

5 Since 1990, Chinese government have been saved the south china tiger.
Almost tigers are fed in the zoos. Since 1990, south china tiger have been protected highly in China. Most south china tiger live in zoo.

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