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Transition from Intervention to Neutrality

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2 Transition from Intervention to Neutrality
In 1914, as World War I erupted across Europe with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria Hungary, President Woodrow Wilson declared that the United States would remain “impartial in thought as well as in action.” At the time, a vast majority of Americans approved of Wilson’s policy of strict U.S. neutrality. After a series of events (Germany's unrestricted submarine warfare and the Zimmerman Telegram) that impacted the United States directly, the U.S. entered WWI in 1917 as an allied power.

3 Transition from Intervention to Neutrality
(The answers to these questions are NOT found in the excerpt above. Use your knowledge of history to guide your answers.) 1- What benefits did U.S. foreign policy of intervention INCLUDE that neutrality during war did not? 2- Is it justified for a nation to remain neutral when your allies are at war? Unit Understanding: : Causes and Effects of United States foreign policy in the 1900’s were positive and/or negative 3- In 1917, the US foreign policy switched from neutrality to war. What positives and negatives could this bring?

4 3. How will I be assessed today?
1. Agenda Bellwork-3 Multiple Choice Questions Transition from Intervention to neutrality WWI guided notes Text with higher order thinking questions Providing Evidence and Analysis to a Claim 2. Learning Target I can show my understanding about what prompted the U.S. to shift foreign policy from neutrality to war in 1917 by providing evidence and analysis to a claim. 3. How will I be assessed today? @ Midpoint: Clear and Elaborate answers to higher order thinking questions @ End of class: Evidence Based Claim

5 Causes of World War I M- Militarism A- Alliance Systems I- Imperialism
N- Nationalism Zimmerman Telegram Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

6 Militarism Militarism- belief that a strong military force should be maintained and used aggressively to defend or promote national interests.

Alliance System- nations signed agreements to support each other. Most alliances were formed in secret. World War I started on June 28, with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria. The United States officially entered the war on April 6, 1917.

8 Opposing Sides during WWI
Allied Powers Britain France Russia Italy (1915) United States (1917) Central Powers Austria- Hungary Germany Bulgaria Ottoman Empire (Turkey) Declared War on

9 Imperialism- Stronger countries taking over weaker countries led to competition for territories.

10 Nationalism- Loyalty to your nation which, causes more competition between nations (Power and Prestige).

11 Unrestricted Submarine Warfare- Using submarines to sink any ship without warning.
In 1915, a German U-boat sank the British ship Lusitania killing over a thousand people (128 Americans)

12 Zimmermann Telegram-“Secret Message”- from Germany to Mexico offering help to regain lost territory from the Mexican American War. April 6, 1917 The U.S Congress declared war on Germany

13 Next Steps Informational text HOT Questions (Higher Order Thinking)
What does “higher order thinking” mean?


15 Evidence Based Claim Process and Protocol
Read the claim that WE provide for YOU….make sure you understand it! Go back and re-read text to find 3 pieces of evidence Choose SPECIFIC and interesting evidence to support the claim Cite where your evidence came from…For example (Paragraph 3) Analyze and Interpret the evidence (place it into context and explain it)

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