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Psychology 137C: Intimate Relationships Week 3, Lecture 1: Same-Sex Relationships Reminders: The web site for downloading videos was down for a while,

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Presentation on theme: "Psychology 137C: Intimate Relationships Week 3, Lecture 1: Same-Sex Relationships Reminders: The web site for downloading videos was down for a while,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Psychology 137C: Intimate Relationships Week 3, Lecture 1: Same-Sex Relationships
Reminders: The web site for downloading videos was down for a while, but it has been restored. The videos for this week are especially good. Go watch them! The web site is:

2 Some numbers Same-sex couples make up 1% of all households with couples in them Same-sex couples make up 12% of all households headed by unmarried couples 20% of all same-sex couples are raising children, compared to 48% of all married couples These are likely to be underestimates

3 Theoretical Issues Can we studies same-sex and different-sex intimacy in the same course? What matters most: your gender, or the gender of the people you are attracted to? Modular psychological mechanisms

4 Methodological Issues
Defining “gay”, “lesbian,” and “straight” Defining “same sex relationship” Finding a sample Choosing a comparison group Historical changes affect findings

5 Same-Sex Relationships: Evidence for Similarity
Valuing affection and closeness Egalitarian values Satisfaction studies Can outside judges distinguish?

6 Evidence of Differences: Sexuality
Who thinks monogamy is important? Women: 84% of wives, 70% of cohabitors, and 71% of lesbians. Men: 75% of husbands, 62% of cohabitors, and 35% of gay men. This difference has persisted across time. Sexual frequency After 10 years, what kind of couples are having most and least sex? Sexual satisfaction

7 Evidence of Differences: Context
Exposure to discrimination The challenge of disclosure Lack of social support

8 Evidence of Differences: Dissolution
Same-sex relationships are more likely to end than marriages. Why might that be? The case of Norway and Sweden Why might gay men and lesbians differ here?

9 Gender vs. Orientation Age preferences in mates
Preferences for sex-typical partners Implications for understanding gender roles

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