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Place Type: Community Center

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1 Place Type: Community Center
Barrio Logan Place Type: Community Center The following visual simulation was created by Steve Price of Urban Advantage, Inc. as a visualization tool to showcase what smart growth and transit-oriented development could look like locally. This simulation is one of the tools in the Smart Growth Tool Box, a set of planning and financing resources being developed by SANDAG to assist local jurisdictions in implementing smart growth principles in the opportunity areas on the Smart Growth Concept Map. This is a conceptual simulation of how this area could change through the application of smart growth principles, and is meant to generate additional ideas and discussion about smart growth opportunities. This simulation was created for the City of San Diego, featuring the neighborhood of Barrio Logan. The focus here is on creating a pedestrian-friendly streetscape and introducing new land uses.

2 Vantage point faces northwest at the intersection of Main Street and Cesar Chavez Parkway.
Barrio Logan Trolley Station is just a block south of the vantage point, with the entrance to the Coronado Bridge running in the right-hand portion of this aerial map. Many low rise industrial buildings mixed in with housing, shops, restaurants, and a school Empty lots could accommodate new development that would screen traffic noise from the bridge Residents are interested in seeing industrial uses phased out

3 Cesar Chavez Prkwy and Main St
Cesar Chavez Prkwy and Main St. near Barrio Logan Station – San Diego, CA The simulation begins with a view of existing conditions. Existing Conditions Poorly-marked pedestrian crossings On Cesar Chavez Parkway: two lanes of traffic in each direction with limited on-street parking Much low-slung, nondescript industrial architecture Well served by both bus and trolley transit Existing building in right hand corner is new coffee shop suggesting burgeoning possibilities Click 1: More emphatically striped pedestrian crosswalks Street trees and street lamps Click 2: Mixed-use buildings on corner and to the rear of viewer (suggested by foreground shadow) Click 3: Additional street-oriented development along Main Street and Cesar Chavez Parkway adds life to this new community center Click 4: Narrowed Cesar Chavez Parkway. Many people currently walk along the Parkway toward the Trolley stop. Traffic counts on the parkway could justify narrowing street and providing on-street parking, thus increasing business viability. Wider sidewalks and bulb-outs will make pedestrian circulation in this transit-oriented environment safer. Interesting idea from Europe – distinctively paved bicycle lanes on wide sidewalks move bicyclists away from speedy motorists on roadway.

4 Cesar Chavez Prkwy and Main St
Cesar Chavez Prkwy and Main St. near Barrio Logan Station – San Diego, CA Existing and conceptual images Existing Conceptual

5 Smart Growth Visual Simulations
Smart Growth Tool Box SANDAG would like to thank Urban Advantage for these visual simulations, and remind you that the 3-D simulations and the photographs of existing smart growth projects will be available this fall. For more information on the visual simulations and the Smart Growth Tool Box, please visit SANDAG’s website at

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