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The Scientific Method 2/18/1996 …lots and lots and lots of math.

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Presentation on theme: "The Scientific Method 2/18/1996 …lots and lots and lots of math."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Scientific Method 2/18/1996 …lots and lots and lots of math.

2 Goal What is the scientific method?
What does the scientific method assume? Does the scientific method work? What is not a scientific argument. Does astrology follow the scientific method?

3 The Scientific Method Observe an event.
Develop a model (or hypothesis) which makes a prediction. Test the prediction. Observe the result. Revise the hypothesis. Repeat as needed. A successful hypothesis becomes a Scientific Theory. model test

4 Medical Science Scientific Method High Cholesterol Observation
Patient has high cholesterol Hypothesis (prediction) Certain chemicals may dissolve cholesterol deposits. Test Give 100 patients these chemicals, give 100 patients placebo. Observe result Same number lower their cholesterol as placebo patients. Revise hypothesis? Try different combo of chemicals. New test? Re-run medical test. Observe results. Scientific Theory Lipitor reduces cholesterol.

5 Everyday Science Scientific Method Car Repair Observation
Engine won’t turn over. Hypothesis (prediction) Predict battery is dead. Test Replace battery. Observe result Engine now turns over. Revise hypothesis? Not needed. New test? Scientific Theory Cars won’t work without a fully charged battery.

6 Making Spaghetti Sauce
Everyday Science Scientific Method Making Spaghetti Sauce Observation Spaghetti sauce should be red. Hypothesis (prediction) Try a tomato sauce. Test Heat pot of tomato sauce. Observe result Taste the sauce - bland. Revise hypothesis? Use tomato sauce and garlic! New test? Add garlic, taste - not so bland. Scientific Theory The Final Recipe.

7 Food Science Throwing something together  Hypothesis
Your grandmother’s time-tested recipe  Scientific Theory.

8 Repeatability A successful theory is repeatable. Examples: By you.
By anyone. Examples: Cold Fusion (1989) Ecstasy (Science, 2003)

9 Requirements Objective reality Constant Laws of Nature
We all see the same world. Constant Laws of Nature What happens here, happens there. What happened yesterday will happen tomorrow. The Cosmos is knowable.

10 Does it work? Scientific Method is a tool. Does this tool work?
Life expectancy Mortality rates Are there better tools?

11 Theories So: a theory is a highly successful hypothesis.
All hypotheses make predictions. All theories make predictions. All theories can be tested. Result: Any scientific theory is subject to change as our ability to make tests, or make observations of a test’s results, improves with time.

12 Non-scientific Theories
Make no predictions Un-testable Can’t be falsified

13 Non-scientific Theories
Car won’t work?  Aliens drained the battery. Spaghetti is bland?  You were meant to eat bland food. Car won’t work?  Gods must be angry. Spaghetti is bland?  At the instant of tasting, tongue is transported to alternate dimension where all flavors are rendered nullified. Happens instantaneously.

14 Non-scientific Theories
Viking Orbiter (1976) Mars Global Surveyor (1998) The chain of events needed for life to arise is too complicated to have happened by chance, a divine intelligence must therefore have caused life to arise (Intelligent Design). Face on Mars.

15 Falsification A real Scientific Theory tells you what observations are necessary to falsify it. Not so proponents of: Face on Mars Moon Hoax Astrologers

16 Astrology Tests What test would falsify astrology?

17 Astrology and the President
(TIME, May 16, 1988) -- “The First Lady dabbled in astrology as far back as In 1981 [Joan] Quigley made Nancy a believer …. And from then on, no presidential public appearance was slated without the Friend's say-so. To this day, Nancy's Friend continues to influence the President's schedule. For the Reagan-Gorbachev Washington summit, she cast the charts of both men and determined “[Former White House Chief of Staff, Donald] Regan and others make a compelling case that in 1986 and 1987 astrological influence dramatically reduced the presidency's effectiveness, at least partly, by keeping Ronald Reagan under wraps for much of the time. Nancy's intrusions in the scheduling process, Regan said in an interview with TIME last week, ‘began to interfere with the normal conduct of the presidency.’” (TIME, May 16, 1988) that 2 p.m. on Dec. 8, 1987, was the most propitious moment for them to sign the intermediate-range nuclear forces treaty. At Nancy's behest, the entire summit was built around that hour. For the upcoming Moscow summit, Gorbachev's chart (he is a Pisces) has been recast alongside Reagan's (Aquarius).”

18 HW#3 Devise a scientific test for some pseudoscience (astrology, tarot, etc). What claim are you testing? How will you test it? Due 9/3/09

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