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What’s Happening in Third Grade ...

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Presentation on theme: "What’s Happening in Third Grade ..."— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s Happening in Third Grade ...
Mrs. Bonelli’s class news What’s Happening in Third Grade ... Reader’s Workshop: The students are reading Stone Fox and connected with the main character Little Willy. Writer’s Workshop: We are finishing up our personal narratives zooming in on our small moments. Can’t wait to publish them on the Chromebooks! Math: The students have been working on solving number stories and building the foundation for multiplication and division. Science: We’re are completing our water observations. Did you know the larger the bead the faster it moves down a slope? Homework reminder Make sure to check student planners and take home folders daily. Start practicing your multiplication facts. Remember your Reading Log and Reading Response. Dates to remember Halloween- October 31, 2018 Conferences- November 5-6, 2018 Teacher’s Convention- November 8-9, 2018 Thanksgiving Break- November 22-23, 2018

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